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Asian guy looking to get to know a caucasian girl=)



  • edited July 2009
    little_asian_angel;58951 said: There's an ad for that on msn every now and then.

    or... you need to go out more....

    I ain't gonna lie... I met my bf over plentyoffish.. 2 years strong and talks on getting married someday. You just need to know how to pick them. Luckily I didn't choose a pyscho :)
    YOU'RE KIDDING!! I didn't think you met him on POF :smile:
  • edited August 2009

  • edited August 2009
    I would rather ask how did you get your 2 white ex-gfs cuz i am curious that if u know the trick to get the white gals, why u still have to come to the forum and ask?

    i saw less than 10 times that a white gal and an asian guy hanging out in vancouver since i came to van 2.5 yrs ago. i donno if they rather like to go home and fuck than to hang out, but it is really rare to see a chinese guy holding a white gal's hand on the street.

    i observe and assume that the guy is usually a CBC or very young, which implies that he gets the gal in highschool
  • edited August 2009
    The trick? He has money. But that also tells you how cheap they were.
  • edited August 2009
    White girls don't date asian guys because western society (hollywood in particular) has shaped this negative view of the asians in general. Asian women are mere objects whose sole purpose on North American soil is to satisfy the White Man (and possibly the Black Man) and nobody cares about asian men.

    The new Dragonball movie? White boy is the lead and gets the asian girl.

    The forbidden kingdom? White boy is the lead and gets the asian girl despite the movie starring Jet Li and Jackie Chan.

    21 the movie? All the asian guys have been replaced by white boys. The remaining asian casts are used for comic relief and have at most 2 lines and 1 min of screen time.

    The new Street Fighter movie? It's called the Legend of CHUN-LI, a martial artist from CHINA and they get a white girl to play her. Some say she is half-asian but she looks full white. Obama is half-white but nobody calls him the first half-black president because he looks full black.

    The new King of Fighter movie? The Japanese guy is played by yet another white boy despite the fact that the story is centered around a Japanese clan with a long history.

    The Avatar movie? CLEARLY the setting is eastern asian and main character is eastern asian but YET AGAIN, another WHITE BOY plays the asian character.

    Prince of Persia movie? Well this isn't about an asian character BUT YET AGAIN, the PRINCE of PERSIA is played by the WHITE BOY FROM AMERICA.

    Last Samurai? The last samurai is a WHITE BOY from AMERICA? Really?

    Anyways, there's probably a bunch of other examples.

    Point is, don't bother trying to get a WHITE GIRL. Asian men have no standing in North America. You know what the WHITE MAN once famously said to Asian immigrants? He said "What is mine (white girls) is mine and what is yours (asian women) is also mine."

    The white girls are not for us. Just stick with the asian women. Unless of course you're rich, then you can buy as back as many white girls as you want. The ONLY time a white girl gets together with an asian man is when that man is rich.

    If you have anyone to blame, blame HOLLYWOOD and their RACIST CASTING, and the xenophobic white girls.
  • edited August 2009
    ^ Those racist mofos! That's the sad thing about Hollywood, it's white dominated.

    But i disagree that white girls will only be with an asian guy if he's rich. This day and age, I find asian guy/white girl combos more prevalent. Kids coming out of high school don't have the same cultural prejudice (not only towards asians) that we were exposed to. It boils down to the individuals as with all relationships!

    Besides, you can't use SFUasianguy's failure to represent everyone...the dude's a loser....I'm guessing he doesn't have much luck with any ladies...irrespective of race.
  • edited August 2009
    Myname;59886 said:
    White girls don't date asian guys because western society (hollywood in particular) has shaped this negative view of the asians in general. Asian women are mere objects whose sole purpose on North American soil is to satisfy the White Man (and possibly the Black Man) and nobody cares about asian men.

    The new Dragonball movie? White boy is the lead and gets the asian girl.

    The forbidden kingdom? White boy is the lead and gets the asian girl despite the movie starring Jet Li and Jackie Chan.

    21 the movie? All the asian guys have been replaced by white boys. The remaining asian casts are used for comic relief and have at most 2 lines and 1 min of screen time.

    The new Street Fighter movie? It's called the Legend of CHUN-LI, a martial artist from CHINA and they get a white girl to play her. Some say she is half-asian but she looks full white. Obama is half-white but nobody calls him the first half-black president because he looks full black.

    The new King of Fighter movie? The Japanese guy is played by yet another white boy despite the fact that the story is centered around a Japanese clan with a long history.

    The Avatar movie? CLEARLY the setting is eastern asian and main character is eastern asian but YET AGAIN, another WHITE BOY plays the asian character.

    Prince of Persia movie? Well this isn't about an asian character BUT YET AGAIN, the PRINCE of PERSIA is played by the WHITE BOY FROM AMERICA.

    Last Samurai? The last samurai is a WHITE BOY from AMERICA? Really?

    Anyways, there's probably a bunch of other examples.

    Point is, don't bother trying to get a WHITE GIRL. Asian men have no standing in North America. You know what the WHITE MAN once famously said to Asian immigrants? He said "What is mine (white girls) is mine and what is yours (asian women) is also mine."

    The white girls are not for us. Just stick with the asian women. Unless of course you're rich, then you can buy as back as many white girls as you want. The ONLY time a white girl gets together with an asian man is when that man is rich.

    If you have anyone to blame, blame HOLLYWOOD and their RACIST CASTING, and the xenophobic white girls.
    You realize that you sound like the stereotypical racist asian honger right?

    Maybe that's why white chicks aren't into you?

    Cause you sound like a douche? I mean, I'm just saying. If you tone down a bit on the whole douchey vibe. Praps then, people won't have to struggle with the urge to strangle you whenever they're within a few meters of you.
  • edited August 2009
    ^ COSIGN.
  • edited August 2009
    SpectreFire;59891 said:
    You realize that you sound like the stereotypical racist asian honger right?

    Maybe that's why white chicks aren't into you?

    Cause you sound like a douche? I mean, I'm just saying. If you tone down a bit on the whole douchey vibe. Praps then, people won't have to struggle with the urge to strangle you whenever they're within a few meters of you.
    Nah I don't even want a white girl cause I don't want a half-breed and it's disgraceful to the family.

    But I'm just saying to the Asian guys that DO want a white girl. Just give up cause western society don't want you getting together with their white princesses.

    Also, I'm just speaking the truth. No racism, these are facts. Racist logic would be if I said white people are below Asians. Nah, just stating the facts of the injustice white people have against asians. It is true that asians have been replaced by white boys in Hollywood. I mean is there any real reason as to why all the asian characters have been replaced by white boys? Because North Americans relate better to white people and are thus more favourable = make more money? That just proves my point.
  • edited August 2009
    I don't want my babies to look native like Jon and Kate's.
  • edited August 2009
    vonnie;59894 said:
    I don't want my babies to look native like Jon and Kate's.
  • edited August 2009
    Myname;59893 said:
    I don't want a half-breed and it's disgraceful to the family.
    But I'm just saying to the Asian guys that DO want a white girl. Just give up cause western society don't want you getting together with their white princesses.

    Also, I'm just speaking the truth. No racism, these are facts. Racist logic would be if I said white people are below Asians. Nah, just stating the facts of the injustice white people have against asians. It is true that asians have been replaced by white boys in Hollywood. I mean is there any real reason as to why all the asian characters have been replaced by white boys? Because North Americans relate better to white people and are thus more favourable = make more money? That just proves my point.[/QUOTE]

    Basically, people just want their hands, wrapped around your throat, and tightening it just enough that no air will enter it.

    Again, they will struggle against the urge to do so, as murder is more or less looked down upon by our society. But I'd imagine that such a struggle will eventually be lost and a murderous rage will quickly sweep over them, thus leading to the outcome stated above.

    A court of law will likely find your killer to be innocent and within acceptable rights to murder you. They will go off scott-free, and possibly buy an ice cream cone in celebration and joy.
    Myname;59893 said:
    I don't want a half-breed and it's disgraceful to the family.
    On another note: Holy shit, are you Draco Malfoy? If you are. Seriously, eat some food.
  • edited August 2009
    Myname;59893 said:
    Nah I don't even want a white girl cause I don't want a half-breed and it's disgraceful to the family.

    But I'm just saying to the Asian guys that DO want a white girl. Just give up cause western society don't want you getting together with their white princesses.

    Also, I'm just speaking the truth. No racism, these are facts. Racist logic would be if I said white people are below Asians. Nah, just stating the facts of the injustice white people have against asians. It is true that asians have been replaced by white boys in Hollywood. I mean is there any real reason as to why all the asian characters have been replaced by white boys? Because North Americans relate better to white people and are thus more favourable = make more money? That just proves my point.
    Okay, I would call that pretty racist considering you are calling mixed race disgraceful. Im saying this because my family took care of a little half white girl from a family friend back in china which is a very long time ago, and we liked her.(except for she is 3 and likes to attack people). Calling them half breeds is especially racist. Inbreeds on the other hand I would say other wise.

    oh yes I am such a hypocrite when I speak of tolerance.
  • edited August 2009
    Myname;59893 said:
    Nah I don't even want a white girl cause I don't want a half-breed and it's disgraceful to the family.
    You're fucking disgusting. Quite ironic for someone who tries to call all of Western society racist
  • edited August 2009
    I don't get why you would use Hollywood as an example for racism.

    Hollywood isn't racist. Hollywood is just stupid.

    Replacing the characters in the Dragon Ball and The Last Airbender movie? NOONE. Honest to god. NOONE but the casting director thought that was a good idea. Both movies will likely bomb because their leads look NOTHING like they're supposed to.

    And you're using movies made by the dumbest hacks in the world. M. Night. Fuckface? And the guy who made the X-File movie? I'm sorry, but quite frankly, I'm insulted that you're using these idiots as an example for anything BUT terrible filmmaking.
  • edited August 2009
    this thread got major derailed. someone should start a debate over on the debate sub-forum and lock this one.
  • edited August 2009
    Are you talking about the last airbender movie? And they are doing a live action movie?!:angry:

    Edit:I looked at imbd its directed by M.Night.Shamalan. Well actually I never really watched his movies
  • edited August 2009
    some half breed asians are pretty hot looking.....
  • edited August 2009
    actually.. i've never seen a half breed asians that's NOT hot looking..
  • edited August 2009
    ditto, Never seen an ugly one either, but i dont recall see a half asian half african dudette. well actually the super-slanty eyed ones are not that attractive, but still pretty attractive.
  • edited August 2009
    I've seen a few. The thing is, you never figure out right away that they're halfies because they're not as attractive as how we think halfies should be.
  • edited August 2009
    siuying;59911 said:
    actually.. i've never seen a half breed asians that's NOT hot looking..
    I agree with this logic
  • edited August 2009
    siuying;59911 said:
    actually.. i've never seen a half breed asians that's NOT hot looking..
    What about Jon from Jon and Kate + 8? He's an uggo halfer.
  • edited August 2009
    siuying;59911 said:
    actually.. i've never seen a half breed asians that's NOT hot looking..[QUOTE=DaNoobie;59919]I agree with this logic

    First of all, having never seen an ugly half asian is anecdotal evidence and not logic.

    Do you people honestly believe there aren't any unattractive halfers out there?? It depends on the parents! Geeez, it's not a magicical "asian+white=hot baby" formula...

    And daamn, some of you guys are hating on Myname so badly...i didn't think his original post was that bad...i read it over again and i dint think he crossed any lines (until his reply about half-breeds and disgrace)...merely stating facts from movies...i mean, talk about killing him and strangling him is a bit childish when you're on a forum and you can't form an argument for his post...i mean, SpectreFire, ur a university student and that's all u got?
  • edited August 2009
    Wikipedia' said:
    The U.S. population's distribution by race and ethnicity in 2006 was as follows:[32][33]
    * Total population: 299 million
    * White alone: 74% or 221.3 million
    * Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, of any race: 14.8% or about 44.3 million
    * Black or African American alone: 13.4% or 40.9 million
    * Some other race alone: 6.5% or 19 million
    * Asian alone: 4.4% or 13.1 million
    * Two or more races: 2.0% or 6.1 million
    ..and you wonder why Asians are not well represented in Hollywood.

    There's no "white conspiracy". It's just demographics. If they remade American movies in China, they'd probably cast Chinese actors. Likewise with India, or any other country.
  • edited August 2009
    Myname;59893 said:
    Nah I don't even want a white girl cause I don't want a half-breed and it's disgraceful to the family.

    But I'm just saying to the Asian guys that DO want a white girl. Just give up cause western society don't want you getting together with their white princesses.

    Also, I'm just speaking the truth. No racism, these are facts. Racist logic would be if I said white people are below Asians. Nah, just stating the facts of the injustice white people have against asians. It is true that asians have been replaced by white boys in Hollywood. I mean is there any real reason as to why all the asian characters have been replaced by white boys? Because North Americans relate better to white people and are thus more favourable = make more money? That just proves my point.
    I don't know, the term half-breed seems pretty racist to me.
  • edited August 2009
    haha... i didn't know how Jon looked like until he start appearing on the tabloids... that said i'll have to go with the explanation that he's an outlier...=P tbh.. he's not bad looking... just not hot...

    i found myname's post pretty funny... relax people... =)

    and calling ppl half breeds is only racist if you believe in pure bloods... which is pretty hard to find these days to say the least...
  • edited August 2009
    calling people half-breed isnt racist but in the context of "half-breed and it's disgraceful to the family" is racist
  • edited August 2009
    GeoGeek;59934 said:
    First of all, having never seen an ugly half asian is anecdotal evidence and not logic.

    Do you people honestly believe there aren't any unattractive halfers out there?? It depends on the parents! Geeez, it's not a magicical "asian+white=hot baby" formula...

    And daamn, some of you guys are hating on Myname so badly...i didn't think his original post was that bad...i read it over again and i dint think he crossed any lines (until his reply about half-breeds and disgrace)...merely stating facts from movies...i mean, talk about killing him and strangling him is a bit childish when you're on a forum and you can't form an argument for his post...i mean, SpectreFire, ur a university student and that's all u got?
    I didn't say I wanted to kill him.

    I just mentioned that he's the sort of person whom radiates an aura that just instills a murderous rage to all those around him. I'm not wrong.
  • edited August 2009
    SpectreFire;59959 said:
    I'm not wrong.

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