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Easy Upper division course

edited October 2014 in General
So next semester is going to be my last semester at SFU and I need one upper division course (preferably CMPT course bcause I am majoring in Computing Science) to fulfill the upper division credits requirements. Is there any suggestion for any easy courses? 


  • What have you taken already?

    I would have said 470 but it doesn't seem to be offered (which I find unusual.)

    If you are interested in web stuff at all 474 is a pretty new course and I heard from people who enjoyed it. I think it would be a little harder than 470, but probably still on the easier side of the 400s in general.

    I have also heard from people that 475 isn't that hard, but it is apparently boring.

    Otherwise I think it would depend on what you are interested in. Things like 471/454 aren't terribly difficult, but there is a fair bit of work so if you aren't into networking/databases you likely won't enjoy it. 431 is a course I really recommend. Has a lot of programming though so avoid it if you aren't really into that.

    I would probably avoid 404/405/407/412 if you are looking for easy.

    Outside of CMPT the answer to "easy upper division course" is always EDUC 465. Always.
  • There is also always the directed studies (DS) route. You can have up to 1 DS course for upper credit (2-4 credits) depending on the department. If you have a prof that you really enjoy and he has something cool you can do (see what research hes doing) you can look into that.

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