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Are upper division CMPT and MBB courses much harder?

edited October 2014 in General
Hi, I'm looking to get into the joint major for CMPT and MBB.
I'm looking at all these upper division CMPT and MBB courses I need to take and I'm wondering how much more harder and time consuming are these compared to lower division science and CMPT courses if I want to get a good grade like around B+/A-
I'm looking at taking 12 units, possibly 15, of these 300-400 lvl CMPT/MBB courses in following semesters or would that be too intense?


  • CMPT upper level courses can be hard. If you're not particularly talented in cs, I wouldn't even try to take 5 upper level cmpt courses. I am taking four 400 level cmpt courses, and It's getting unmanagable now. But I personally know people who take 5 cmpts and even 6, so it really depends on you.
    I would say if you can handle 225 + 250 and two lower level math courses, should be fine taking 4 cmpt courses.
    Good luck!

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