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First year course load: Too hard?

edited July 2014 in General
MATH 151
MACM 101
CMPT 120

^^^^^^^^^ Is that a hard course load? 

I only ask because of MACM and MATH in the same sem


  • edited July 2014
    The course load isn't hard, but the courses themselves are fairly difficult. If you do not have prior calculus experience from secondary school, you will find math troublesome. If you have good work habits and are organized, you can definitely do well with a course load like this though. However, the first semester often catches people off and people end up getting bad grades because they underestimated the difficulty of courses. MACM 101 is one of the harder 100 level courses so only take these courses if you have a strong math background.
  • I took those three courses along with two more and got along okay.

    If you do not have prior calculus experience I would suggest you take MATH 150 instead of 151. Otherwise yeah it should be manageable
  • I took cmpt 120 with math 152(calc 2) and two other science courses,and it wasn't too bad so you should be fine:)
  • Thanks for the responses everyone.

    I have had no prior Calculus knowledge from HIGH SCHOOL but I am a very independent self taught learner, I taught myself half of Calculus I (Still working on Intergrals) through non-dry textbooks and practice workbooks.
    I consider myself a "math guy" and If I wasn't interested in programming, I would probably major in math instead of Comp Sci. MACM 101 scares me I literally have no idea how that course will be like. Just curious Shayan what was your Pre-Calc 12 grade?
  • I got 97% in my grade 12 math. Honestly though, university math is much different from high school math. You just have to pay attention to key details and practice a lot of questions. Your final grade will reflect how much time you put into practicing the material. Even students with a strong mathematics base can do bad in these courses so don't worry too much about the outcome. Just try your best and stay on top of the material. Generally, the people that do the worst in these courses are the ones that procrastinate and let class material accumulate.

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