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Econ 103 w/ Douglas Allen or Nebile Barkin

edited July 2014 in General
Which prof is better?


  • I have Barkin this term. From what i've heard with Doug Allen, his class is hit or miss. His teaching style only caters to specific people. Barkin, on the other hand, isn't always easy to understand. She speaks really fast, but her exams are all based on her notes. Her class isn't scaled on the bell curve either so you won't have to compete with other classmates. Her exams are really easy as well so getting a higher grade is much easier in Barkin's class.
  • Is her class really not curved? I thought that was the economic departments policy.

    Doug Allen wrote the book most 103 classes use, and is generally regarded as a very knowledgeable guy. It is true though that people seem to either really like him or really dislike him.
  • edited July 2014
    Yeah, Barkin doesn't scale her class using the bell curve. Other professors like Doug Allen and Iryna Dudnyk use the bell curve though. We also use a different textbook from the one that Dough Allen wrote. Barkin's scale follows as (each letter grade changes in 5% intervals): 

    <50 is F
    50-54% is C-
    55-59% is C
    60-64% is C+
    65-69% is B-
    70-74% is B
    75-79 is B+
    80-84% is A-
    85-89% is A
    90+ is A+

    10% of your mark is from assignments on myeconlab, 35% is the midterm, and 55% is the final exam. The midterm average this term was around 70%. Like I said, her exams are very easy compared to other professors. She's a decent lecturer but she's dull and speaks fast. If you pre-read the chapters before coming to lectures, the class will be a breeze for you.

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