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Jonathan Katz or Dai Heide for PhilXX1?

edited July 2014 in General
Had anyone taken this course with either of the two profs? Any recommendations?


  • I took it with Katz and thought he was good. Marks came from 4 exams equally spread throughout the course. They were not cumulative so you generally knew what would be on each test. As well the final was a take home test.

    XX1 is kind of a weird course. Some people find it easy, others struggle. 
  • I agree with Ryan, its a course that you will either find very easy or very hard regardless of the prof.

    I had Heide and he's an amazing lecturer. He is tough however. Two mid-terms and a cumulative final (which was about 75% material after the second MT when I took it). There are also short tutorial assignments. 

  • My friend took Phil xx1 with Heide and he showed me his midterm and it looked really, really easy. Although the class average was low for that class, I don't feel the content itself was too difficult. I'm taking the class right now with Nicholas Fillion and I find the content very easy.
  • I didnt take the xx1, but i did take 100 and 120, the latter with heide.

    For the lecture contents and all, the professors are obviously the key. But as for grades, the TAs are more important.

    Ive had a kickass TA, and a horrible one. When i mean horrible, i mean spending at least 10 hours per week for the single course horrible. Its a shame because he was so nice to everyone...

    Observe your TA thoroughly; if theres a hint that hes a hard marker, get out.
  • XX1 has no papers, so the TA is a little less relevant than it would be in other courses.

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