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Need to pass finals to pass course?

edited April 2014 in General

Did terrible with midterm and most likely exam as well :(

Do you usually need to pass finals to get a D in the course?


  • Technically it depends on the faculty. In reality though my experience is it depends on the professor. What class is it?
  • No one can really answer this because it differs so much from class to class. Generally,yes you need to pass though.
  • Unless it says in the outline that you must pass then no. However, some finals are worth 50% so... depends on how much the final is worth
  • I've failed finals before and still passed.. but I'm in sciences..i got less than 50 % on a upper level biochem course and i ended up with a B-…obviously it was scaled. 
  • if everyones doing just as bad, the prof may scale it - theres hope. ive had that happen where i was sure i failed the final but ended up with a B in the course overall.
  • It is really depends. In applied science, there is no rule like this.
  • Not quite. Computer science/Software systems has this requirement.

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