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Gender Studies/Sociology/Humanities/Cultural Studies Tutor Available

edited August 2013 in Tutoring
I am a PhD candidate in Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies (GSWS) who
can tutor you in any GSWS courses, queer studies course, sexuality
studies course, cultural studies, humanities, sociology or feminist based course (for example,
feminist based history courses, feminist based law courses, alt lit courses, labour
studies, social justice based health courses, etc). I can help you build
study skills and writing skills for reading/writing heavy critical
thinking courses.

I can help you improve your essays with proper citation method, research techniques, learning to use research databases, proper essay format, and learning to build your critical thinking skills.

I am also willing to tutor ESL students in conversational English but I am not a ESL tutor.

I have TAed for several GSWS courses and have tutored for SFU Athletics Student Retention program. I have a certificate in University Teaching and Learning. I am also a published author and poet.

hold a Double BA in Women's Studies and Sociology and a Masters in
Women's Studies. Women's Studies is a multi-disciplinary discipline
which means I have taken feminist based courses in everything from
Philosophy to English to Law . If you are struggling with what can be
very reading/concept heavy courses, I would be happy to help you out!

Rate: $25 per hour
at the Burnaby and any of the downtown SFU campuses. I can also travel
to any Vancouver public library/coffee shop/etc and to Metrotown (there
is a public library near there) with ease. I can also travel to UBC or
the SFU Surrey campus.

Please email for more information.


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