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Balancing Life

edited January 2007 in General
How do you balance your life? if you're a full time student, part-time worker.



  • edited December 2006
    Very carefully... :wink:

    I don't work right now but in the past I've gone to school, worked, volunteered and had to do my share of household stuff (I live with my boyfriend). It gets pretty psychotic at times!

    Prioritizing is key. And get a Palm Pilot if you can. It's saved my sanity this year! It's like a paper agenda, only it will chime at you if you are forgetting something, and you can visually see your daily schedule.
  • edited December 2006
    I work 32 to 40 hrs a week and take 3 classes. I work on Mon-Wed, go to school on Thurs, and work Fri and sometimes Sat. The classes I take are relatively easy but it does requires work. I ususally do my hw between classes on Thursday and if there's a major project I'll work on it after work or on Sunday. It worked out well for me. My GPA for this semester is good but in the end I guess it really depends on what kind of courses you're taking.
  • hta
    edited December 2006
    Bassoony said:
    How do you balance your life? if you're a full time student, part-time worker.

    I dont...
    Most times my life gets turned around, upside-down, reverse, inside out, whacked up, and :omg: up all because of school. Its a good thing I dont work. Seems like getting a job is becoming harder. I used to volunteer over the summer though :angry: .
    If u can work full time ant take 5 hard courses, I will guarantee give u $1000000. And I'm not kidding!
  • edited December 2006
    Over time, you kinda have to learn how to balance things out if you want to get anywhere...I've worked part time while going to school full time and although it was difficult, I made a lot of progress that semester and I guess thats what its all about in the end. Its important to have your priorities straight and stay focused because theirs a lot of distractions in life that can throw you off track. When life gets really busy, I start writing things down (usually on paper, but a blackberry or palm pilot would definitely help).
  • edited December 2006
    You just do it.. I seem to handle full-time school..and 2 part-time jobs with a decent social life pretty well..
  • edited December 2006
    hta said:
    If u can work full time ant take 5 hard courses, I will guarantee give u $1000000. And I'm not kidding!
    I thought you said you couldn't even afford a cell phone....
  • edited January 2007
    I work full time as a Legal Assistant and I attend SFU full time and I am planning my wedding right now. I really cant even say that I "Balance" my life, but i prioritize everyday - and sometimes school wins, sometimes wedding, etc. What I do is always go to work and always attend my classes and everything else is mashed between!! I lose my cool alot with the people that are close to me, however - they understand the pressure.

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