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article: boost your energy levels

edited December 2006 in General
I am so dead tired from studying so I was looking for ways to get an energy boost without drinking more coffee and I found this.

Boost Your Energy Levels

If you woke up last Tuesday feeling tired and are still feeling run down. Everyone has at least once felt too tired to get up, dress, drive, work, and come back to the house ten hours later after performing a variety of functions, only to continue cleaning up, filing, cooking, and execute all those routine activities we have learned to complete on a daily basis. But although you tried to sleep your tiredness away, the feeling of fatigue has prevailed and you are now in a worse state than ever before. If everything seems to be fine on the physical level, apart from the low energy levels you have been experiencing, then follow these tips and boost your energy to skyrocket heights.

People that experience a low energy period usually comfort themselves by resorting to sleep and adding extra hours of bed time in their attempt to find their lost energy somewhere in-between their bed sheets and covers. This is usually not the right strategy. If you have maintained a steady sleeping schedule, prior to this recent development, which suited your needs perfectly, the extra sleep you are planning to have will not help you increase your energy levels and take control of your life again. On the contrary, if you decide to sleep when your body does not need that extra sleeping time you are increasing the feelings of being tired and lethargic. Thus, instead of sleeping, try to exercise. Energy needs energy to be produced. By performing simple exercises, like walking or swimming, your body will increase its metabolism which will help you get your energy levels again up. Try introducing exercising as part of your daily routine and you will be witnessing a tremendous change in your energy levels as well as mind awareness.

Do not forget to consume fluids and particularly water. Additionally, by adding more vegetables, complex carbohydrates and proteins into your diet, you will see your energy increase and you will feel much better about yourself and be actually healthier than before.

Another tactic to boost your energy levels is to start working on something you have been postponing for a long time, but would love to see yourself doing. Hobbies, interests, volunteer work or house improvement projects can help you get rid of boredom, which can be a very good reason why you feel the way you do. You can invest time in doing things that are fun and relax your body and mind. Going camping, fishing, playing with your or the neighbor's kids, can assist you increase your recently dropped energy bucket and become involved again.

Most importantly, you have to get started. If you begin doing something that can take you away from that couch or bed, you will witness the difference in your energy levels instantly. Do not procrastinate. Act today and boost your energy levels back up where they belong.


  • edited December 2006
    If i get tired while I'm studying I usually jus take a nap and wake up refreshed... doesn't work all the time though, like yesterday I tried taking a nap at 8 but didn't end up waking up until the next day haha and I was STILL tired

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