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Humanities 100 vs Anthropology 100

edited December 2006 in General
Someone please enlighten me here, I have absolutely no clue what the difference is b/w these two classes.
All I know is that they both focus on the origin of manking and its history.

But what is the main difference? I read the course outlines for both and I still don't get it.


  • edited December 2006
    hmm.. don't quote me on this but as far as i know.. anthropology is about human to human interaction.. the cultures.. customs and heritage of different races.. humanities is more about the people in general.. so instead of focusing the social aspect of humans and racial difference.. it leans toward the concepts that people of the past have come up with to deal with the world on the whole..

    it's probably because these are introductory courses so they tend to overlap each other.. but you will see the divergence later on.. plus humanities include a lot of things under its wing.. from arts to science it touches a little bit of everything..=)

    hope this helps..

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