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Do 'not for further credit' courses still count in GPA?

edited March 2010 in General
Like if I took Stat 101 in a previous semester, and I'm taking Stat 201 now because that's the one I need for my program (<-- students with credit for Stat 101 may not take 201 for further credit), will the grade I get this semester for Stat 201 still count towards my GPA?

I've tried Googling it and searching the SFU Course Calendar, but I can't find anything on it. Any help would be appreciated. =)


  • edited February 2010
    Good question, even I don't know the answer to that...I think Academic Services would be the best place to find out (they have live online help, or you can go there for an advising session)
  • edited February 2010
    You should, as Simon has stated, use the live online help or just email the adviser for your particular program.

    I'm almost completely sure that STAT 201 and STAT 101 both will not be used towards your GPA (only one of them). What I'm not sure about is whether they treat the situation like they do repeats, as in the higher grade is counted, or if STAT 201 is simply not counted at all.
  • edited March 2010
    Thanks guys. I just got off LiveHelp this afternoon. If anyone is curious or might be in this situation too, the impression was that it looks to be similar to a "repeat".
    The higher grade will have the credits + gpa count, while the lower one will have the credit + gpa omitted.
  • If I have taken MATH 151 and want to take MATH 150 in summer, will it be counted as a repeated course?
  • Yes, it will be counted as a repeated course. The higher grade will be counted toward your GPA.
  • Hmm. This seemed interesting.

    I was wondering if my situation it would be the same. I took Math 100 and failed it last term and then i took the calc readiness test and passed it so now next semester i am taking Math 157. It says on course outline that, " Students with credit for MATH 150 or 151 or 154 or 157 may not take MATH 100 for further credit." 

    What will happen to my gpa. Will the Math 100 course gpa be omitted from my CGPA and my Math 157 be counted instead?

  • Since you took math 100 earlier, it would make sense that both grades would stay unless you plan on retaking math 100
  • Yeah, I agree. I don't think a MATH 157 mark will replace a MATH 100 mark since they are not equivalent courses. It would be like failing CMPT 165 then taking a 200 level CMPT course and having that replace the 165 mark.
  • Hi,

    I was told that because I am taking Math 157 I would not be allowed to take Math 100 for credit. However, I do not want the credit for Math 100 i just want a higher mark so from a failed Math 100 mark. 

    I am planning on taking Math 157 in the summer and Math 100 in fall (if i can and if it would increase my zero gpa for that course even if i dont get the credit)

    Does that make sense?

  • Ahhh, I don't know for sure. I would recommend against this though.

    Why not take MATH 100 then to 157? To be honest I think passing 100 first will help you do a lot better in 157. While 157 is the easiest of the calculus courses, it is a lot harder than 100.
  • Hi, 

    I would take math 100 than Math 157 but they do not offer Math 100 in the summer. and I don't want to delay other courses than needs Math 157 as pre-req.

    Very tricky question!
  • The best thing to do would be to ask an adviser. 

    Maybe they would let you retake 100 but then not give you any credit for completing it....but this doesn't really sound right to me since I feel you would need to receive credit for the course in order for it to be multiplied by your grade when calculating your CGPA....but maybe they will just apply the new grade to the old credits...I have no idea. 
  • I asked, and it was a little confusing for them as well. I think they just wanted it to find an answer so they told me I won't get credit and my grade won't change, just thought i would ask or see if anyone had the same situation.
  • Hi, if I failed Math 100 (you need a C in math 100 for Math 157) but pass the readiness test and get into Math 157, Would Math 100 be included in my CGPA? Or would my Math 157 mark replace that?
  • From my understanding, if it doesn't say you can't take the Math 157 course for further credit if you've taken 100 already, that would mean 157 is not an equivalent but rather a more difficult course where 100 would be helpful for. Thus, it would not replace the 100 grade, but count as a course on its own.

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