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Need advice on my courseload

edited December 2006 in General
hey everyone

I will be taking BISC 101, CHEM 122, PHYS 101, MATH 155 and ENGL 104 next semester (might replace English 104 with Chem 126). Can anyone comment on the workload of these courses? Will i be overloading myself with no free time? Advice iis appreciated.



  • edited December 2006
    The biggest time commitments will probably be from the math and english courses. The physics, chemistry and biology not so much (unless BIOL 101 has a lab component that I'm not aware of).

    CHEM 126 in place of ENGL 104 would replace essays and such with a four-hour lab each week, and they DO tend to run the full four hours. Don't expect to get out of lab before 4:30-5:00 PM at the latest (or 12 noon - 12:30 if you get the morning lab). The pre-lab work isn't too intensive but you do need to set aside about an hour or two per week to go over the lab and understand the pre-lab work. When I TAed it (Summer '05 and again this semester) we didn't do LON-CAPA, but that's Dr. Canal's decision. Dr. Lavieri usually takes the 126 course and she might require LON-CAPA. Plus, there's quizzes every so often in that lab and either two midterms (written) or one final (written).
  • edited December 2006
    Bio 101 does have a lab component, so there is definitely more time to be spent there too.

    And remember to check out the textbooks for the classes as you will most likely be expected to read them all!
  • edited December 2006
    Thats a lot of classes, I don't think I'd have a life if I took that many in one semester...all depends on how focused you are
  • edited December 2006
    I did five classes in summertime once (!) - wasn't fun. I was doing MATH 252, CHEM 260, 282, 286 and PHYS 211. So I had to be at SFU MWF 8:30 AM :tongue: and then 260 had a lab component and 286 was a lab by itself.

    I got B's and B-'s pretty much across the board, but I could have gotten better grades if I'd put a bit more work in.
  • edited December 2006
    5 courses in the summer?? omfg you must hate yourself or something lol (just playing)
  • hta
    edited December 2006
    My confirmed classes:
    Math 152 & 232
    Phys 131 & 121
    Phil 100

    I wanted Geo 111 but it was full like no crazy like way.
    It seems like every semestre there are 1 or 2 classes I cannot get into. sux if u ask me......

    P.S. Jimmy, I will see u in Math 152 with Ryan and ??
  • edited December 2006
    hey Nukechem, do u suggest dropping ENGL 104 and take CHEM 126 instead?
    I'm hearing taking 5 courses is gonna be killer..uhh wat to do...
  • edited December 2006
    It depends. If ENGL 104 has a lot of essays you may find 126 easier because the prelab work isn't as much. It's just the 4-hours-on-one-day-of-the-week thing you might find a bit distasteful. :tongue:

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