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Them weird emotes...

edited November 2006 in General
OK... is it just me? or are them emotes suppose to give lil kids nitemares?

the :tongue and the :embarassed looks like they've been made from the same clown pic with the bottom of it changed... same with the :angel and :smile ... the :confused: looks lik he's gettin a face warp... or doin some crazy face and the :girl_hug: and :boy_hug: look lik they should goto weight watchers... not to mention :secret: looks lik the face behind is sucking on the face up front... and the face up front is enjoying the "service"... -_-"

I know some programs try to imitate MSN's faces... but this is jus pushin it a bit too far... im not sayin its the admin's fault because the emotes prolly came along with the software... but it's ugly as hell...

Suggestion for the admins... new emotes plz :D

ps... wuts with this "You have included 8 images in your message. You are limited to using 4 images so please go back and correct the problem and then continue again." >.>


  • edited November 2006
    heyy their kinda cute in a roundish sorta way... the weight watchers thing is so funny and so true LOOL

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