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liquor vs. marijuana

edited December 2006 in General
I think that if liquor is legal, then by ALL means marijuana should be.

When you drink, your reactions are slowed, you become off balanced, in other words you are a complete mess. Unwanted sex, rape, murder, and violence are all things that happen too much with alcohol involved. Drinking too much does what - makes you puke your guts out, pass out, and can't remember anything the next day. What is that? Tons of people are killed all the time from drinking and driving. Your liver dies, people die at 45 because of a failing liver. Yet people continue to drink their asses off and live this way.

What happens when you smoke weed? You get stoned and lack balance, perception, and become in another state of mind. Sound familiar? Yes i agree that there is not enough research on weed, but from my experience of smoking weed (quite a bit), I feel that it is not even CLOSE to as dangerous as liquor.


  • edited December 2006
    wow, never thought about it that way, lol. very nice point.
  • edited December 2006
    hehe that's i feel too. although i am by no means a heavy pot user, the few times i've tried it, it was giggly fun (though one time i lost all sense of time, sat at the bus stop for what seemed like 3 the cold...with just one layer on...and the bus driver was so nice to just stop and talk me into getting on the bus...well..that's from what i remember...)

    and my worst alcohol experience? well, i don't remember...
    but it involved a lot of puking. woke up in my friend's dad's bed (he was away). long story short, haven't drank that much for the past 2 years..

    so i'd definitely say the latter is pretty bad, but it's surprising to see that it's still acceptable --almost expected of uni students to pull those drunk stunts especially
  • edited December 2006
    I tend to agree with all the posters above. I honestly don't see anything wrong with marijuana use. I'm not gonna go down that 'it's natural' road as it's been beaten to death, but when comparing it to the effects of it vs alcohol.. well there really isn't much question which is less well.. less 'harmful' in a way. Although I personally feel that excess in either case has negative outcomes. I think both cause dependency in some people (not the majority by far, but some people really do have addictive personalities). Anyways that's just a girl's perspective
  • edited December 2006
    perhaps the reason why marijuana is illegal is that if it were made a legal.. there would definitely be more chaos out in the society.. think about the level of abuse with alcohol.. just as you listed.. unwanted sex, rape, violence, murder, car accidents.. all those are the result of alcohol being abused.. now if we were to legalized the use of marijuana.. you would be essentially increasing the number of unwanted sex, rape, violence, murder and car accidents.. and thus increasing the number of victims and deaths that could've been avoid if marijuana wasn't legal.. although i could safely say that there's a large (and growing) number of marijuana users out there despite it being illegal.. these accidents/crimes still do happen.. so if it were to be legalized wouldn't the level of abuse of marijuana rival that of alcohol?
    in essence.. it'll just become another underlying problem within the society that'll never go away.. and its effect will be multiplied once it's made legal...

    i don't object the fact of people using marijuana as long as they don't go and victimize people.. just like alochol.. you can round up a couple of friends.. party it up and smoke pot.. just don't use it as a means to hurt people and drive when you're clearly unable to.. other than that have fun with it.. marijuana itself isn't illegal.. just that the possession of it is.. take it as a loophole the law has left for its users.. =)
  • edited December 2006
    I disagree that legalizing marijuana would increase the rates of rape, violence and murder. In fact, I think it would do just the opposite!

    My friend was held at gunpoint in his living room because some thugs thought he had a grow-op in his basement (he doesn't). Just check the news for the amount of people who are murdered or beaten because they have weed in their basements, or the kids who ingest something they didn't mean to because they're buying drugs from some shady character... Wouldn't having companies who produce the stuff be a lot safer?

    Plus, I don't know if you've seen people who are high... but they aren't really motivated to murder or rape. Mostly they just want to eat chips. :wink:

    The alcoholics I've known are significantly worse (meaner, more violent, messy) than the marijuana smokers I know.
  • edited December 2006
    well malakaiii... i do agree with the number of people who get killed because of weed.. yet conversely.. how many are killed because of drinking and driving? alcohol's already a problem for the society.. legalizing marijuana would just add another.. it may reduce the lives of those in a similiar case as your friend.. but what of the abuse and exploitation?

    i've seen people high.. and there was some violence going on because of that.. maybe i'll just give them some chips next time.. *.~b
  • edited December 2006
    Yes, I agree that there would be some problems that would come along with it. I guess I haven't seen people who were high committing violent acts, especially compared to what I've seen alcohol do!

    Personally I'd like to see alcohol go away. I was at an office Xmas party last weekend and I was reminded again of what morons people become when they are drinking. I think that people should have fun, but is it fun to forget what you did the night before?

    I don't drink or do drugs, so I'm just a meddler anyway. :wink:
  • edited December 2006
    Malakaiii said:
    I don't drink or do drugs, so I'm just a meddler anyway. :wink:
    It's hip to be square! <---- Where's that from again???

    I think everybody needs to keep in mind that the vast of people who drink or smoke marijuana don't commit crimes, or do stuff that would be considered illegal. Of course, we're preoccupied with the deaths, murders, and various other crimes that are associated to the drugs, but only a small percentage ever encounter problems.

    With respects to legalization, I don't think it would be a huge problem really. Because honestly, if you really wanted to get some weed, it's not like you have to search high and low for it. Most of us probably know one or more people who have access to it, so personally, I don't think legalization would generate much of a change. I think most people are opposed because they automatically think "OMG, DRUGZ R BAD, SAY NO TO TEH DRUGS!". And some people also like to think that if it was legalized, all of a sudden everybody will just become pot-heads. I've never done it before, personal preference. I do drinks a bit though.
  • edited December 2006
    marijuana is chiillll
  • edited December 2006
    There are a lot of misconceptions about ganja (marijuana) that people need to understand. BOTH for and against. Just because marijuana users aren't violent when they toke does not mean its the effects of the drug that cause really depends on the person. People who are mellow and laid back to begin with like to smoke weed because it makes them even more mellow...while guys who like to get the blood pumping and have a rowdy good time like alcohol (hence the related violence)...Siuying is actually right in a way. Legalizing would definitely solve a lot of problems but it may create more problems that we don't have.

    REGARDLESS, I know just as many people that smoke pot than drink, if not more. Attitudes towards marijuana have also changed a great deal over the past few years since so many people are tokin up so I think they should do some hardcore research into this and find out exactly what to do...its not like its gonna go away on its own...The marijuana sub-culture has its own social norms and has essiently become a self-sufficient econonmy...its the biggest industry in BC and growing.
  • edited December 2006
    legalize ecstasy so everyone loves each other!
  • edited December 2006
    Both go together like jam and peanut butter.
  • edited December 2006
    wow.. it rhymes.. lol..

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