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KIN 140 vs KIN 142

edited July 2009 in General
im thinking of taking KIN 140 or 142 in Fall 09...
but im not sure which course would be easier or more interesting....
What is the differences between these two courses??
anyone took them before and give me some comments, please??

or....KIN 110?
or any other easy B-Sci courses??

Thanks in advance =)


  • edited July 2009
    140 is all memorization. It's easy though.
  • edited July 2009
    don't take 142 the amount of material that you have to memorize is freaking crazy. The average on the midterm i took was like 50%. Take 110, its all memorization as well but its easy stuff.
  • edited July 2009
    i see.....thanks Vonnie and Chris!=)
    so....KIN 110 or KIN 140...which one should i take...?
    What is different b/w them?

    And i am thinking that should i take KIN distance education course? ......
  • edited July 2009
    libra_girl;57478 said:
    i see.....thanks Vonnie and Chris!=)
    so....KIN 110 or KIN 140...which one should i take...?
    What is different b/w them?

    And i am thinking that should i take KIN distance education course? ......
    I'm in the same boat as you.

    B-Sci but don't know which one is easier...

    Either way, whichever way you take it, I hear its mostly all memorization, so if you're good at that, pretty much guaranteed A.
  • edited July 2009
    wh0whatwhere;57479 said:
    I'm in the same boat as you.

    B-Sci but don't know which one is easier...

    Either way, whichever way you take it, I hear its mostly all memorization, so if you're good at that, pretty much guaranteed A.
    :teeth: yea....would u take the distance education??
    and i am afraid of KIN-courses fill-up very soon...
  • edited July 2009
    libra_girl;57480 said:
    :teeth: yea....would u take the distance education??
    and i am afraid of KIN-courses fill-up very soon...
    I don't think I'd take it DE personally unless I absolutely had to but it really depends on the person. I've taken a few DE courses and done quite well but they were tedious. If I had to choose, I'd take a class over DE just because its easier to take in information and listen rather than motivating yourself to read/learn it on your own.

    And you're right they do.
  • edited July 2009
    wh0whatwhere;57490 said:
    I don't think I'd take it DE personally unless I absolutely had to but it really depends on the person. I've taken a few DE courses and done quite well but they were tedious. If I had to choose, I'd take a class over DE just because its easier to take in information and listen rather than motivating yourself to read/learn it on your own.

    And you're right they do.
    yes...taking DE really depends on the person. I'm taking DE PYSC 280 (biological psyc) this sem...and i always find it is so important to motivate myself to read that textbook....and i'm now falling behind of the expected syllabus...i hv to catch up hard....:sad:
  • edited July 2009
    btw, I heard someone said KIN 140 need to discuss or debate in the tutorial that true???

    anyone took it before???

    oh...because im bad in debate...
  • edited July 2009
    i did kin 142

    One of my favorite classes so far, seems to be a lot more cool ppl in kin than in the sciences :P

    the labs are mostly group labs, but you have to be in decent shape cause there is a lot of activity and im gonna say it like it is...if you're self conscious about your body or anything of the sort, you probably will not enjoy it (the first lab requires measurements of body folds/flaps all over the place)....measurements you can't do on your own lol

    Otherwise the lecture portion of the class is pretty easy, A LOT of memorization for the lab portion though (human anatomy, muscle names and functions etc.)
  • edited July 2009
    lazyGUY;57503 said:
    i did kin 142

    One of my favorite classes so far, seems to be a lot more cool ppl in kin than in the sciences :P

    the labs are mostly group labs, but you have to be in decent shape cause there is a lot of activity and im gonna say it like it is...if you're self conscious about your body or anything of the sort, you probably will not enjoy it (the first lab requires measurements of body folds/flaps all over the place)....measurements you can't do on your own lol

    Otherwise the lecture portion of the class is pretty easy, A LOT of memorization for the lab portion though (human anatomy, muscle names and functions etc.)
    i see....thanks for your comment!! but i think i will take kin 140 or 110 instead, because i think i would not be interested in memorizing muscle

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