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Does anyone else have constant headaches?

edited November 2006 in General
I have constant headaches even when I get 8 hours of sleep. I already went to the doctor and he said that I should keep a consistant sleep schedule and I am already keeping up with that but I still experience the headaches. Does anyone else experience this?


  • hta
    edited November 2006
    Clear your memory.... lol
  • edited November 2006
    maybe u dont have a good posture.. that could put a big strain on ur neck which leads to head aches.. or u might be driving too much which also puts a strain.. thats all i could think off :smile:
  • edited November 2006
    Maybe try getting your eyes checked? My prescription changed recently and REALLY helped with the awful headaches I'd been having.

    I would also suggest finding a de-stressing activity that you enjoy doing. I like to read, but maybe something like jogging or watching movies...
  • edited November 2006
    Well stress may be causing migraines. Headaches are the worst kinda pain imageinable I hate them. Try excercising that usually clears my head. Good luck to you
  • edited November 2006
    Hey, are you a girl or guy?

    cuz that can make a huge difference in the cause of headaches. If you are a girl:
    I started having chronic headaches and migraines a year and a half ago, really serious ones that were accompanied by blurred vision and nausea. I was going to quit my job and schoool because I couldn't take it anymore. I saw a few different doctors about them. Nobody really seemed to know what the problem was. Eventually, one doctor told me to go off birth control pills. I was reluctant since I had been on them for a couple years with no side effects before, but it turned out to be the cause. Within 3 months of stopping them, I had noticed a definite decrease in frequency and severity and in 6 months, the migraines went away almost intirely! I get the occasional one a few times a year, but it really made me realize how much those hormones can f*ck your body up...
    Just wanted to spread the knowledge for other women who may be having chronic headaches and can't determine the cause!

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