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A questions about clubs...

edited October 2006 in General
Hello all;

First year here :). Anyways, I realized that most of the student clubs came out during the "club orientation week", but I missed it (yeah, I know, sounds strange - given that it took a week in the convocation), but anyways, I was wondering where I could find a complete listing of all the clubs at SFU. I realize that the web directory (SFU A-Z) has the major ones listed, but the majority of the clubs aren't there (probably because they are too new). Any ideas?
Incidentally, anyone here does CG (computer graphics) work? 3Ds Max?
Thanks for any input,
Tomas H.


  • edited October 2006
    Hi Tomas, welcome to the site!

    SFSS (Simon Fraser Student Society) is the organization that runs the clubs at SFU so any information you need can be found at their site...and here's that club list:

    I would definitely recommend getting involved in any club that sparks your interest as it is a valuable opportunity to meet new people and have fun throughout the semester while making positive things happen.
  • edited October 2006
    Oh my god!
    Thank you so much - I open the link, and there, first on the list, is the "3D" club: I have been asking around for that for so long.
    I thank you so very much!
    Incidentally, I feel a bit stupid for not finding that link.
    Thank you so very much again;
    Tomas H.
  • edited October 2006
    Your welcome, and if you ever have any more questions you know where to find me. :wink:
  • edited October 2006
    pretty useful link i gotta bookmark that one

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