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New Members Only Area: MP3s, Test Bank, Class Info and Money!

edited October 2006 in General
Hi, and if this is your first time visiting we hope you are enjoying the site. Since TalkSFU was launched on Sept. 1, we have grown to over 160 members. This is a good thing because the more members we have, the more this site will be able to offer you guys. As you may have noticed, we have a new moderator for the MP3 download section where you guys can download new and old tracks for your MP3 Player. This section is part of the Members Only Area which is exclusive to registered members only.

DJStylez has been a valuable addition to the community but he would love some help finding and posting songs for all of our members. We are also looking for moderators for the new test bank, class info, and money maker sections. As we have seen the rest of the board grow with posts and interesting opinions, these sections will also be valuable in the near future as they are filled with content. If you would like to contribute, you may PM or email at [email][/email]

To help make TalkSFU EVEN better, make sure you tell your friends about it as we continue to add new features.

Thanks, from the team.

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