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EDUC 220??? distance Ed.?

edited April 2007 in General
did anybody take EDUC 220 b4?

how was it?

what about distance Ed.?

not really recommend?? why or why not??



  • edited April 2007
    I just took Educ 220 this term with Sugarman. It was a pretty good course, though not what I had expected. I was hoping for Educational Psychology, but it was much more like a 1st year Psych class (I should've known when there were no prereqs!) I can see it being hard if you are not familiar with Psych (lots of memorization), and being frustrating if you've already taken a few years of Psych (like I had), as not much is added to the course that makes it specific to Education.

    As for Distance Ed, you must be prepared to put in the same time you would be in class to do all of the readings and assignments. It's not an "easier" way to complete a course but a more variable time frame. So expect to spend about 3 hours a week working on the course, in addition to all the readings, etc.
  • edited April 2007

    I took the first course of psych,, and I remember it wasn't really easy course to understand..

  • edited April 2007
    It seems like more of a filler course so if you want to do a lot of reading over the summer to get some credits, then go for it...psychology is mostly memorization anyways if you choose to look at it like that

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