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Weird socially accepted idea...

edited April 2007 in General
Have you ever noticed how PC we've become in this society? How much there is that we shouldn't say, or shouldn't do? I guess this goes for women, but it goes for men too.

I've been thinking about this for awhile. It seems like we -- society -- spend a lot of time trying to not offend and hurt the feelings of women. It seems like the double standard here is if you are a man and you have a dissenting opinion, especially about gender itself, you have to worry about a label of some sort.

It's like, women are always offended by something or another. If it's not something that reinforces an accepted traditional gender role (i.e. man should pay), they are "offended". If it's not something that reinforces modern feminist thought (i.e. women should make the same amount of money as men), they get offended.

What's confusing to me is, if women are offended anyway, why do we spend so much time trying to make sure they aren't?


  • edited April 2007
    My boyfriend has encountered some extreme feminists. One Example, when he was at work, he opened a door for some women who screamed back "I'M NOT SOME HELPLESS FEMALE. I CAN DO THAT MYSELF". He was only trying to be a gentleman. I believe that we should all be treated equally, but clearly this women had major issues. It's Bitches like that that give feminists a bad name. For me, if a guy holds a door open, I think "what a gentleman" and thank the guy. Not ream him out for doing something nice.
  • edited April 2007
    I think that people should just be nice and respectful to each other in general. As far as the door opening thing goes, it's pretty easy to hold it for the person after you, regardless of their gender...
  • edited April 2007
    Thats true, regardless of gender open the door thing. I hate when I open the door for someone & the person doesn't say anything. I have to restrain myself sometimes to not say "you're welcome As*hole", but then again I don't want to catch someone on their off day when they just really have a lot of stuff on their mind.
  • edited April 2007
    Holding the door open is just common courtesy, regardless of gender. I do it without thinking about it, sometimes even when there's no one behind me.

    Opening the door for someone and having him/her thank me just makes my day and it's a nice thing to do. Maybe I just enjoy being appreciated.
  • edited April 2007
    I don't get this whole women are equal to men thing...they obviously aren't. I'm not saying that men are better than women, but theirs a reason that different gender roles have developed over the years. Factors like evolution and social norms are just the half of it! I kinda like the idea of my wife staying home and taking care of the kids while I work and bring in the cake...why would girls consider working better than staying home i dont get it sometimes
  • edited April 2007
    lol i knoww what you mean, the other day (i forgot how it came up)I was saying how girls in general are not physically suited to play competitively in football (our football team in context[and taken into consideration that they would be going against guys) Everyone knows damn right thats true, but noOOo, the girls in the conversaion got so mad at me.
  • edited April 2007
    men and women are different, they have different anatomy, hormonal cycles, and roles in society and families. If men and women are treated equally, the the girls would lose all their privileges and will be treated like men, and that includes: getting their ass whooped when they bad mouth somebody, paying for their own when going on dates, no separate bathrooms... and a lot more. I dunno, that doesn't seem right to me.

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