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What the hell, some religious people came to my door :S

edited April 2007 in General
That was so messed, some lady knocks on my door so I go see who it is. She's like have you ever wondered why theres so many problems in the world? Im like uhhh, ya i guess... Then she starts talking about the devil and how he's the cause of all of it and theres only one way to stop him. Just to be nice I kept listening but I'm shocked. I mean...its ok to have your own beliefs but what do they get out of going door to door to convince people that this is the way the world should be seen? I see it as kind of a disservice to society. Any thoughts/opinions?


  • edited April 2007
    Well, think of it as a marketing strategy lol. If they can get one believer in every 10 doors they knock, they pretty much gained something.
  • edited April 2007
    Steven said:
    Well, think of it as a marketing strategy lol. If they can get one believer in every 10 doors they knock, they pretty much gained something.
    Exactly, it seems religion operates just like any other corporation. Those missionaries are basically salesmen who try to "sell" you on Christianity/Mormonism/whatever else. I always get a kick listening to it, because I think it's just plain funny. I'm sure when they're all like "would you like to take God into your life?" and I say no, they walk away whispering to each other: "pffft...joke's on that guy...cause now he's going to hell! har har har!"

    Hell, it's even happened to me at SFU. Some international students approached my girlfriend and I in front of the Triple O's, and talked Jesus with us for 20 minutes or so. It's like they learn strategies on how to sell it the most efficiently, and be the most persuasive. One funny thing was that they showed me two diagrams. I'll recreate them:


    So in the left diagram, my life currently. There's a throne within my world, and I sit atop the throne. Jesus doesn't exist in my world, so he's outside. So, they asked me "Which diagram represents the life you would like to live? wouldn't you like Jesus to be in your world? On your throne?" and I answered "uhh....I think I'd still like the one on the left". My question is, why can't Jesus and I BOTH be on the throne in my life. We could chill, be buddies. It just doesn't look like a very attractive situation to have him on my throne, while I'm groveling at his feet. Anyhow, that's my story.
  • edited April 2007
    My brother likes to fuck with those people. He came to the door naked once, and that sent them scrambling! He also interrupted them to say "let me tell you about my personal saviour... SATAN!" The just don't know what to say to that...

    Ah, the perks of living in an apartment and not having to deal with door-to-door religious folks.

    I'm all for people believing what they choose, but faith is a highly personal choice that should not involve going door-to-door!
  • edited April 2007
    LOL Jehova Witnesses probably...

    they do that often because supposedly, they believe that there can only be 100,000 ppl that make it to heaven.
    so they try to be as holy as they can.. == so that's why they knock on doors LOL

    it's so annoying........ =.="
  • edited April 2007
    You nailed that on the head, they definitely had the salesman type of vibe. I was so tempted to ask them what they get out of doing this and if they knew I go to university because it seemed like such a joke. Lucky I'm a nice guy haha
  • edited April 2007
    they can do their thang as long as they dont bug me, since i live in an apt building now, everythin is pretty calm

    but if they start calling...
  • edited April 2007
    Religion is not such a bad thing insofar as it doesn't interfere with one's autonomy. Assuming of course that one's autonomy does not interfere with others'.
  • edited April 2007
    Insatiable said:
    Religion is not such a bad thing insofar as it doesn't interfere with one's autonomy. Assuming of course that one's autonomy does not interfere with others'.
    totally agree. i think religion is something that is very personal and it should be left for the individual to decide what s/he believes in; i don't think religion is something they should sell, viz., it's okay for people to go to Church to listen to sermons, but it's not okay to invite themselves on you.
  • edited April 2007
    I'm atheist, thank god
  • edited April 2007
    why won't they leave me alone?
  • Pro
    edited April 2007
    anyone ever notice how it's like old grannies that preach to you before... but now it's seem they have recruited hot/cute girls to "sell" religion to you...
  • edited April 2007
    hahaha.. maybe they finally realize the market for hot/cute girls is wider than old grannies? =)

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