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Working with my boyfriend

edited April 2007 in General
I am graduating from college in June and need to find a job. My boyfriend works at this great company who happens to be hiring. They are looking for someone to have the same title that he has, and he has been encouraging me to apply for it.

The job itself is awesome, I would be making about $22-25 an hour doing research for a pharmaceutical company. That is basically a dream job for a new college graduate, as most of the other people who work there are in their 30's and have had years of experience. Similar companies won't even consider you as an applicant unless you have had at least a year of experience.

I know a few other people who work there, not through him, one doesn't know that I am dating a guy who works there (although she does know that we know eachother from school) and the other does know that we are dating, both of them are encouraging me to apply. The one who doesn't know I am dating one of her employees would be a major influence in if I get hired or not, and she says that as long as I did well in the interview I would get the job because she knows me and how I work.

When I first heard about this job I was not even considering taking the opportunity because I don't think it is a good idea to work with my boyfriend. But I have talked to several friends about it and all but one have told me to go for it. I know that my bf and I could act professional at work and no one would know we were dating, even if we broke up I think we are both mature enough to still work together.

What do you think? Should I apply for the job? Should I tell them that I am dating a guy that already works there?


  • edited March 2007
    Omgosh Helen, go for it! You totally deserve this job after going thru all that schooling. Dont let anything stop you...
  • edited March 2007
    Thanks I wish it was that easy! I am really torn with what to do. I have heard a lot of people say that you shouldn't start dating a coworker, so what is different here, except that we are dating before I apply for the job?
  • edited March 2007
    I'd be fifty-fifty on it, too. It's good money, but the dating-someone-you're-working-with thing could cause problems if there's ever a breakup or even a bad fight.

    In addition, how much influence does your bf have over the hiring process? It could go either way, and I REALLY hate to throw cold water on $22ish an hour but there are circumstances under which people might wonder if you're being paid that much because of factors unrelated to assessed competence.
  • edited March 2007
    if i was in your situation, i would definitely go for the job.

    1) there's that risk for you and your boyfriend not working out, but you have a long life ahead of you no?

    2) if this is what you want to be a stepping stone towards your career, this is a good start no?

    3)even if not, the pay is definitely a big attraction and can lead to BIGGER things in your future
  • edited April 2007
    Thanks totallly for the suggestions, I got a lot to sleep on tonight! I'll let you know how it goes and what I decide :)

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