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rant: exams after Easter holiday

edited March 2007 in General
i can't be helped but feel a little ticked off with the university's arrangement of exam dates this semester when i'm hearing the same thing in practically all 4 of my classes... "i won't be holding office hours during the holiday as the university is closed"... =.="

first of all.. they deprive us of our reading week... fine this i managed to live without.. =.=" then they decided to take away our Easter break by making us study for exams... btw.. i find it really funny that their reason for not having a reading week was due to the timing of Easter.. but dude.. we essentially DON'T HAVE one when you make exams happen right after!! X( and lastly.. the university isn't open during that time so we can't visit profs and TAs in their regular office hours.. so basically they're depriving our valuable questioning time too.. T_T whoever decided this scheme was seriously not thinking properly.. =(


  • edited March 2007
    Life's a bitch!

    Just make use of that long weekend and study harder. If I were in your situation I would actually be happy. I get that extra long weekend to study and I actually never use office hours.
  • edited March 2007
    There IS one more week of classes during which a lot of people end up just reviewing lecture material, so you may find some of your studying happening in lecture. Do not give up all hope! :)
  • edited March 2007
    Yah, I feel you. I'm ticked off too because I have four exams just in the first week after easter. So my holiday is shot. And I have to take off an 8 hour day of work on Saturday because I have two exams that day. Why do we have exams on saturdays anyways??????

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