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office jobs

edited March 2007 in General
i'm looking for summer jobs and i've applied to the normal batch of coffe shops / department stpres/ etc. but I was wondering how some of you guys have gone about getting office jobs as an assistant or clerk bookingkeeping and filling stuff.
The other positions one can usually go online and apply or when at the store ask for an application, but how have you guys found out about other types of jobs.

at some point i know one person mentioned temp agency and i'm looking into that.


  • edited March 2007
    Get a college job and then carefully invest the money. You can probably make a quite a bit if you are a skilled investor. You can also try banding together with a few friends and starting some sort of campus club, and then use it as a front for your illegal gambling operations. You have all of the politicians in New York. Then, go to the Don's daughter's wedding. Make a peace offering.

    Saaayyyy hellooo to mah leeetal frieeend! BBEFWUFE
  • edited March 2007
    JohnnyBoy said:
    Get a college job and then carefully invest the money. You can probably make a quite a bit if you are a skilled investor. You can also try banding together with a few friends and starting some sort of campus club, and then use it as a front for your illegal gambling operations. You have all of the politicians in New York. Then, go to the Don's daughter's wedding. Make a peace offering.

    Saaayyyy hellooo to mah leeetal frieeend! BBEFWUFE

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