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Break Ups

edited March 2007 in General
Hey guys,
it's me again. Lol. For like the 4th time on this Love Forum about my long distance relationship...

WELL.. good/bad news everyone.
We ended our relationship... after 15 months.

It's been four days.. We've remained friends. not only that but BESTEST friends......

We broke up not because we didn't love eachother anymore.. but because our personalities clash and we're too immature to be in a long-term/long-distance relationship..... we still love eachother a lot.. We figure that if there's any chance for us to be together in the future.. we shoudl remain close friends we'll see if we can get along better as a couple in the future...

From the start our relationship was so emotional abusive... Fights over the stupidest things.. we hurt eachother way too much. We decided to end it now.. and be good terms. Better than ending it later then we might hate eachother if we drag it on for too long..

Sometimes we accidently call eachother "hun" cuz we're too use to it. We still talk like normal... Very often actually.. and we both say "I love you" every once in a while...

It's hard.. we still love eachother a lot...........
But we know there's no way to be together when we can't get along.. and all we do is hurt ourselves and eachother............

I'm glad to have him in mylife.. but it's hard cuz I know I gotta hide my feelings towards him..

Any advice to get over someone..?
I don't want to be in another relationship.. at least for a while.
And I don't know when or if I will get over him.
We decided to maybe give it another try in 3 years if we still have feelings for eachother....
In 3 years, we won't have to be long distance anymore..
but for now.. I guess it's for the best?

I keep telling myself that but I cry everyday..
Even cry at school which is totally embarassing..
but I'm so sad..

How do you get over someone?


  • edited March 2007
    Time is what you need to get over someone.

    Also, remind yourself that you are WHOLE on your own not "part" of the relationship. I found that it is when you are sure of yourself and you know what you want from life that the right person will come along to walk that path with you.

    It is always better to find goals for the future that will make YOU happy. Think of your best and wildest dreams and go for them.

    I understand that it is difficult now and it's a good idea to find some friends to have fun with and some family to support you. Remind yourself of all those people you may have brushed off (even unknowingly) when you were focused on your relationship. They will show you that you are whole (even without that guy).

    Things change as time goes by and you get older. When I think back to who I was desperately in love with when I was 18, I know now that I could not have spent the rest of my life with that guy. Hopefully you do get a friendship out of the deal.

    Try talking to some people who are very happy singles! They have the right outlook.

  • edited March 2007
    I think you're a lot more mature than you give yourself credit for considering you the reaons you guys decided to end the relationship. Now is a good time to focus on yourself for a change without the restraints of the relationship to hold you back. Just sorround yourself with people who care about you and do your thing, if its meant to be itll be
  • edited March 2007
    gee.. i'm sorry to hear that things didn't work out for both of you...=( but like malakaii said time is what you need to get over someone.. and in the midst of that.. try focusing your attn on sth else like school work.. it's going to be hard but atleast it keeps your mind of off things..

    best wishes
  • edited March 2007
    wow, youre really mature about this. I duno how you get over a person. It took me nine months to finally move on.... but it was a lot easier for me because i cut him outa my life.
  • edited March 2007
    Personal growth is the key :)
  • edited March 2007
    It's hard to get over someone, but just make sure that you keep telling yourself that you did the right thing.

    Don't start thinking about the good times because that will just make you even more sad. Think about the reasons why you broke up with him and remind yourself that its for the best.

    To get over him, keep yourself busy....I usually just go out with friends, flirt with new guys (which is always fun, but can be hard if you just broke up with someone), or I workout TONS! Working out is the best thing because it makes you feel so good after and you get all your frustrations out! Sitting at home in your room crying about it won't make it better, so go out somewhere and keep busy! And talking to him all the time might not be the best thing either, but thats completely up to you to decide.

    Just remember to take it one day at a'll take time to get over him.

    I just broke up with my bf a few weeks ago....I was kinda sad for about three days after but surprisingly got over it pretty fast because I reminded myself of WHY i broke up with him. Also, going out and seeing how many other great guys there are out there helped me get over him too. He's not the only one out there and you will find someone that you will connect with better in the future.
  • edited March 2007
    I totally agree with baby e. Talking to him all the time wont help you get over him (ie, if you're trying to) because when I broke up with my bf, he kept on msn-ing me every night (and we see each other everyday too) and I was like, "Uh....I guess he doesnt know that it's hard to get over someone if you kept on talking to that person." But, in the end, I didnt say that to him. Anyways, just make sure that you did the right thing and you wont regret it in the future.

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