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Falling for a student

edited March 2007 in General
I've seen threads of students falling for their TAs. I had a friend who dated her TA when she was in her 3rd year. Whats your opinion on that?

I'm a TA, and without giving too much information about myself or the person, I think I'm falling for one of my students. The semester is over, and I ended up hanging out with the person for the last couple months. Just casual.

The person caught my eye the first day we met in class. But it was just physical and I largely ignored it for the entire semester since ppl always see attractive people. After hanging around the person for awhile, mainly to assess the person (ie: Is the person immature, lazy, money grubbing gold digger, attention whore...etc), I find the person has none of those qualities, and in fact has many that I admire, and it's not just because I like the person.

There's also the fact that the person was looking at me as a more mature/role model type of person just the previous semester. I know I looked at my TAs that way when I was an undergrad. And if the TA asked me to do something, I would probably do it. So if I went ahead and told the person how I felt, I would not want the person to feel pressured into going out with me simply because they're afraid to say no.

On the other hand, the person's been very receptive and friendly, and never shows any reluctance to go out with me when I ask. But it's just casual, and I'm looking for more than that.

dilemma dilemma. But it's driving me nuts. Whatcha think?


  • edited March 2007
    I don't see dating her as being too big of a deal as it looks like the class that she is taking with you is over by now so it's not like she is gaining any unfair advantage in terms of grades. If she wants to date you now, and she's no longer taking your class, it's not like you're using your role as a superior to get that date.

    Furthermore, aren't most TA's students too? I'll see a bigger problem if you were a prof and decided to date your student.

    But best of luck though!
  • edited March 2007
    start dating after school is over then
  • edited March 2007
    i think since the class wher u TA'ed the person is over, i dont see any problem to have a relationship with them
  • edited March 2007
    I recommend you read this novel if you're thinking about it:

    Nonetheless, I am pro-forbidden love. I say do it, and writing a scathing expose afterwards.
  • edited March 2007
    how is this forbidden love lol
  • edited March 2007
    I don't see a problem with it. You're both adults. And now that this person is no longer your student, there is no reason that you cannot date them.
  • Pro
    edited March 2007
    i don't see you doing anything wrong. you've acted quite well the whole way! props!

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