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Mama's Boy

edited March 2007 in General
I am so effin' pissed off right now.
My bf is visiting from Waterloo for his reading break.
He already went to Calgary (our home town) to visit relatives and hang out with his parents for 4 days.

Then he arrived in Vancouver a couple of days ago.
We only have tomorrow and friday to spend together. and it's not even for the whole day. It's basically just 4-5 hours.

I've asked him to at least have lunch with me on either tomorrow or friday but he has refused to just because his mom won't let him. Like WTF.

He says that his mom says he needs to spend more time with his parents. They have spent like a week together already. I only get a couple hours for 2 days to spend with him.

And he visits once every 2-3 months. SO FKING ANNOYING.

Seriously, I hate how he never stands up for himself.

He's legal now yet she still makes all his decisions for him.

Whenever I tell him that, he threatens to break up with me because I've somehow "insulted" his parents.

I really admire the respect he has for his parents but seriously. I just want to spend a few more hours with him. (He leaves on Saturday by the way).

It's not fair. And he supposedly say its fair. he's like "what makes you think you deserve half of the time I am on my vacation?"

LIKE WTF. It's not even half the time. Not even close. He gets to see his parents for a week. I get to see him for a couple of hours. It's not fair. and he yells at me because he says I'm counting it wrong. "THe time that I've spent in Calgary with my parents do not count". How the fk does it not count??!! Either its in Calgary or Vancouver, it's one break. You're still spending time with them no matter where you are. Why does it "not count" just bcuz its in a different city.............. :angry: :cry:



So that's my rant. Sorry folks.

I didn't really know which section to put this under.... but yeah. :angry:

OH AND BTW- he doesn't drive. That I don't mind what so ever.
But I ask him to go pick me up at school, he refuses to. Because "little princess" NEVER uses transit. and doesn't want to try to use it. Although I told him I'll give him directions and provide him with maps. I even told him I'll go to his fricken condo and pick him up and we can skytrain together. But noooooooooooo, he's too precious to use transit. Fricken spoiled brat. Everywhere he goes, his parents follow and gives him ride. GOSH...................

OoKOKOK.. that's all for now..........


  • edited February 2007
    You lost me at the end...who doesn't use transit? You or him?
  • Pro
    edited February 2007
    wow. i don't think i've gotten my parents to drive me since i've gotten my license. except for the time i got my wisdom teeth taken out. but that's quite the rant. i'm assuming this is the same long distance bf you've been complaining about too? and why are you still with him then? must be a really nice condo.
  • edited February 2007
    Trying to get someone to choose between their family and you is never going to turn out in your favour...

    And now you are going to be bitter and angry and not enjoy the few hours you DO have together. It's better than nothing, so I'd suggest you enjoy it!
  • edited February 2007
    yeah i <3 my mom to death but ya that sounds pretty ridiculous stuf

    and also if u really love this person, cherish the time u have together, or u'll just end up kicking your self a week from now when u look back on it /shrug
  • edited February 2007
    He doesn't use transit.
    Cuz he's too spoiled.
  • edited February 2007
    He doesn't drive and has never taken transit before in his life?? How the hell is that even possible? So how does he take you on dates? Does his parents drive and you guys ride in the back? This sh*t sounds pretty ridiculus, long distance relationships are the worst, most of the time it doesn't work out.
  • edited February 2007
    ^ maybe they "walk" during dates. Or taxi?
  • edited February 2007
    ever tried talking to his parents? lol
  • edited February 2007
    Ever tried dating someone else? This guy sounds about as appealing to be around as a dust mite.
  • Pro
    edited February 2007
    yeah. no wonder you're getting bored.
  • edited February 2007
    El_Cambumbo said:
    He doesn't drive and has never taken transit before in his life?? How the hell is that even possible? So how does he take you on dates? Does his parents drive and you guys ride in the back? This sh*t sounds pretty ridiculus, long distance relationships are the worst, most of the time it doesn't work out.
    He only uses transit when he needs to.
    His parents live in HK but they're here most of the time.

    when we lived in Calgary, it was MY parents who drove us everywhere.. Dates and everything.. always MY PARENTS.

    My parents are pretty easy about it and they love him, but seriously.......

    My mom always tells him to get his learners and license but he still hasn't
  • edited February 2007
    i would hate if i were to go on a date and the girl has her parents drive my ass around.
  • edited February 2007
    It's not the fact that he doesn't drive, I don't drive either. But in that case he should have a go to plan for alternatives. If you're going on a date, spring for the cab for example. This kid just sounds lazy and spoilt.
  • edited February 2007
    YOUR parents drives??? And you were OK with it? That's gotta be akward as hell. Why doesn't he get a driver's license? Not being able to drive is like being crippled, it's hard to get around.
  • edited February 2007
    Not being able to drive is like being crippled, it's hard to get around.
    Yes, not being able to drive is like being a cripple. Especially in a city with rapid transit that goes essentially everywhere.
  • edited February 2007
    Well, you can't go wrong with a MAMA's boy.

    Like really, lets just say you guys get married, how "bad" can a mama's boy turn into?!
  • edited February 2007
    Messiah said:
    Yes, not being able to drive is like being a cripple. Especially in a city with rapid transit that goes essentially everywhere.
    but richmond is pretty brutal without a car since its only busses :x
  • edited February 2007
    When I was a kid in Richmond, I walked to where I wanted to go, or rode my bike.

    I want to address this, but will be wary of thread drift...
    OH AND BTW- he doesn't drive. That I don't mind what so ever.
    But I ask him to go pick me up at school, he refuses to. Because "little princess" NEVER uses transit. and doesn't want to try to use it. Although I told him I'll give him directions and provide him with maps. I even told him I'll go to his fricken condo and pick him up and we can skytrain together. But noooooooooooo, he's too precious to use transit. Fricken spoiled brat. Everywhere he goes, his parents follow and gives him ride. GOSH...................
    People like that are what really provoke resentment from the single mothers and students that don't get to live rent-free with their parents.


    Because they have no idea how good they have it compared to those people that must meet all the expenses out of their own pockets.

    To get back to the subject of this thread, my feeling is that if he's used to having things done for him, then it may be wise to break up with him, because the tendencies are already there for him to use you to do things he doesn't want to do for himself.

    Let another girl indulge his silly phobias about transit. You go find someone who can stand on his own two feet. :smile:
  • edited February 2007
    Let another girl indulge his silly phobias about transit. You go find someone who can stand on his own two feet.
  • edited February 2007
    If I had any idea what you meant I could respond, but I have no idea what you're on about.
  • edited February 2007
    i think the jist of it was that he was hitting on u :)
  • edited February 2007
    *laugh* Well, he can figure out who I am soon enough, I'm one of the chemistry TAs. Harhar.

  • edited February 2007
    Actually I wasn't hitting on you (not that I'm opposed or anything, but I'm not in Chem soooo...) I was replying to the assertion that she "go find someone who can stand on his own two feet." It was a joke. Har. Har. Har. :/
  • edited February 2007
    If it helps, I thought you were discussing something vaguely related to public transit. :smile:
  • edited February 2007
    Tinana said:
    Calgary (our home town)
    ur from Calgary, do you live in rez?
  • Pro
    edited February 2007
    shadysimon said:
    ur from Calgary, do you live in rez?

    hahaha all the guys are coming onto Tinana now.. even tho she's still technically taken
  • edited February 2007
    shadysimon said:
    ur from Calgary, do you live in rez?
    Nope.. I live with my family.
    They had to drag my little brother's ass down here too because he was a bad boy in Calgary...
    Our whole family moved for my schooling and to get my brother away from bad influences. :tongue:
  • edited February 2007
    They had to drag my little brother's ass down here too because he was a bad boy in Calgary...
    Our whole family moved for my schooling and to get my brother away from bad influences.
    Bad influences in Calgary? He wanted to be a bull rider? He wanted to vote Conservative? He saw Stephen Harper in ass-less chaps?!
  • edited February 2007
    I can tell you from attending grade 11 in rural Alberta (not far from Calgary), that a weekend there is a tailgate party in someone's field. EVERY Monday meant hearing about who had their stomach pumped that weekend...

    Calgary (at least when I was there, and what I saw), is a pretty bad scene. Scary shite.
  • edited February 2007
    my brother's high school here (Moscrop Secondary) seems a lot "safer" than the one in Calgary that I went to and that my brother went to. And I went to one of the best high schools in the city.

    Calgary isn't some hick town like you think it is, Messiah. Hahaha, it's pretty bad. Worst than Vancouver, I've seen so far.

    Like crime rates in Calgary aren't as much as here in Van/Surrey, but high schools are bad over there.

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