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Anyone heard of Bluejacking / Bluesnarfing?

edited February 2007 in General
I know I know... probably a bad place to ask for this cos this isn't a COOL thing to do anyway... but I just read about it, though it's been out for quite some time and wanna know if anyone knows anything about it?

Maybe they could help me out, since talksfu is kinda like a family ;)



  • edited February 2007

    this is actually the first i've heard of Bluejacking. seems a bit like SMS Phishing (or SMishing)...or at least it's in its first stages of being as harmful as SMishing.
  • edited February 2007
    what on earth do those terms mean?
    i cannot find them in the dictionary! XP
  • Pro
    edited February 2007
    welcome to a few years ago buddy!
  • edited February 2007
    One reason why you should turn your bluetooth OFF if you're not using it. I know people who just leave it on all the time, sometimes unknowingly. Besides, anybody can "Bluejack", just search for available bluetooth connections in a lecture hall next time you're in class, sometimes you'll find more than 3-5 people with their bluetooth left on, and you can send them random stuff.

    Bluesnarfing is just hacking via bluetooth. Possible to go into your phone, delete your stuff, or steal confidential information, all that kind of good stuff.
  • Pro
    edited February 2007
    or you could leave it on and hidden. however i usually leave it off to save precious battery life
  • edited February 2007
    Pro said:
    or you could leave it on and hidden. however i usually leave it off to save precious battery life
    Same here.
  • edited February 2007
    i leave my bluetooth on all the time. maybe its different depending on the phone you have but don't you normally have to accept whatever people send you in order to receive it? i know you can send contacts without the persons consent but thats about it.
    i've had a bluetooth phone for the last 6 years and never once received anything from anyone.
  • edited February 2007
    as with things like computer hacking, usually the victims are unsuspecting ppl that dont even know they have bluetooth running and stuf

    and ya ppl, just turn it off unless u actively use it, save some battery :)
  • edited February 2007
    thedon said:
    i leave my bluetooth on all the time. maybe its different depending on the phone you have but don't you normally have to accept whatever people send you in order to receive it? i know you can send contacts without the persons consent but thats about it.
    hasn't entered the technological generation. nor read the previous posts which involve HACKING into the victim's phone.

    but yeah this was eventual, even a while ago when internet browsing on the cells first came out, there were virus's for that too.

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