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Double Rant

edited February 2007 in General
Okay, I'm usually one to keep things in and not bitch too much about stuff, but today I've had it up to here (my hand is open-palmed, face down, in front of my chin). These two rants are unrelated, but equally infuriating to me.

1. I've seen this many times before, not just at SFU, but today I experienced an instance of it that just annoyed the hell out of me. Why must some people push that "Push to open" button with the handicap symbol to open a door, when they appear to be perfectly able-bodied? Seriously now, must you save all of that energy that would've been wasted on using the necessary force to pull the door open? Are people getting so god damned lazy that we need technology to facilitate? And automatic doors are perfectly fine, don't get me wrong. But come on, these devices were designed for people who really can't physically open the door. To me, it's the equivalent of riding around in a wheelchair because you're too fucking lazy to use your own damn legs.

The instance that happened today...I was walking into the library, and I opened the door, and saw a guy walking in behind me, so I thought I'd wait the 3 seconds for him to get there, and hold it open for him. As I was holding it open, he just looked at me weird...and reached for the fucking button, and pressed it. I was speechless.

Rant #2
This one pissed me off a bit more. I was in class today, sitting in the back where I normally sit, just in case I need to step out to the washroom or whatnot, it's convenient and less disruptive to my fellow classmates (yes, I think ahead). Anyway, in waltzes this guy with some chick, they sit down a row in front of me, and once class started, began to chat away like they were in fucking Starbucks or something. They talked, laughed, and played with their cellphones while class was in progress. And it wasn't even whispering, they were fucking loud. My question is, if you're not even going to listen or take notes, WHY EVEN BOTHER FUCKING GOING TO CLASS??? Why would you go to class to talk and play with your phone, when it could be done in the comfort of your own home, or some other public place?? IT BOGGLES MY FUCKING MIND HOW IGNORANT THESE PEOPLE WERE.

Now, I really REALLY wanted to speak up and tell them both to shut the fuck up, and in retrospect, I really should have. And now that I think back, because I didn't, and nobody else did, they probably think it's perfectly fine to keep doing it. So next time I'm in class, I'm not hesitating, they're gonna get it. Watch out you fuckers.


  • edited February 2007
    The talking in class thing PISSES me off too. Seriously. Just because some people have a free freaking ride through university, it doesn't mean the rest of us do! I'm paying a lot of money to be sitting in that lecture hall and I should be able to listen to the damn thing. If you don't want to listen, be my guest and leeeeave!

    You've discovered why I sit in the front of the class! At least you can hear the prof that way and no one talks that close to them anyway. And just go pee before the class and again at the break, or maybe bring a bottle so you can go at your desk... it's a heck of a lot better than having to have some idiots yak through the whole lecture...

    As far as the door device thing... I know! People press that thing like crazy. The only time I use it is when my arms are full and it's easier to hip-check that sucker than to juggle my belongings. And for anyone holding the door open for someone, that ONE PERSON who thanks you, that's me. I confused the heck out of some guy the other day when I thanked him!
  • edited February 2007
    lol.. i couldn't agree with you more with rant #2.. i was in class and these two middle east girls were talking really loud in their language which i suppose was related to class since one of the girls kept on pointing at her laptop and all.. but dude.. it was freaking annoying that you hear someone talking every 2 seconds.. not to mention it's difficult to hear what the prof was trying to say.. anyway.. i gave them the look a couple of times and in between.. the guy next to me and in front of me also turned back and glared at them.. but they still wouldn't shut up.. basically there were atleast 10 ppl who took turns staring hoping they would get the point.. so during break.. i got hungry so i went out to grab something and was ready to give them a piece of my mind when i came back.. but then when i walked in those girls looked very embarrassed and all so i assumed someone must've done it before i had the chance to.. so i walked back sat down and waited for the 2nd half of the class to start and in less than 5 mins.. those two started chattering away again... =.=" *screams* and gawd at that moment i just wanted to kill myself for being so presumptuous..
  • edited February 2007
    The ironic part of my story is that it was a class on Cognition, and the prof was talking about attention, and how we have a limited resource to divide amongst tasks. And as I'm trying to listen, these jerks were taking up all my resources!
  • edited February 2007
    yea im not a big fan of the talking in class either.. are these 100 level courses u guys get this in, i notice in my 300 level courses i dont see that as much anymore, though it does happen, just sit closer to the front.. only real solution

    and about the automatic button thing, i usually wont use it.. except at the bank, afterhours, u need to swipe ur card to get in, but u can get around that by pushing the button /shrug
  • edited February 2007
    This is in reply to rant #1. I completely disagree with you on wasting resources that the disabled need. First, the push button is there to be used, and if only disabled persons used it, it would be used all of twice a year. Second, if you want to talk about wasting resources, maybe you should focus on your own habits hmmm? How many times have you wasted paper, wasted food, not recycled, left the lights on, etc? I think there are more important ways we can be more resourceful than just refraining from using the handicap button.
  • edited February 2007
    my bad, you never said anything about resources. waste away :)
  • edited February 2007
    The door thing, its almost like a social norm for the library. The mass majority opts to go with the automatic way because thats just how everyone else do it.

    The second one, just start randomly throwing stuff at them, or accidentally spill a drink or 5. Fair game.
  • edited February 2007
    gawdawaful said:
    The door thing, its almost like a social norm for the library. The mass majority opts to go with the automatic way because thats just how everyone else do it.

    The second one, just start randomly throwing stuff at them, or accidentally spill a drink or 5. Fair game.
    I know a lot of people use it at the library, but I see it everywhere, like the mall and whatnot. Personally, it's more of just the principle of it all. It's the same reason we don't park in handicapped parking spots, or have the bus driver lower the bus and extend the ramp so that we can get on with more ease. These things were designed for people who honest to god cannot function without them, and I find it completely disrespectful for a perfectly functioning human being to take advantage of it as if it were a necessity.

    Oh, and for the second thing....maybe I'll just keep coughing on them for a few minutes. Then pick up the phone and pretend to call my doctor and say "Doc...I think my SARS is acting up again"
  • edited February 2007
    Re: rant #1

    The only door I use the auto-opener on is at the library, mainly because whoever originally designed the door-closer made it almost impossible to push open easily by hand. But other doors, if I can push 'em open, I do. :smile:

    Re: rant #2

    Related to this, I'd like to make a request on behalf of professors and TAs to not use your cell phone during classes or labs. If you MUST use your cell phone, do everybody the courtesy of stepping outside of the room to do so. before cell phones were in widespread use, the standard thing to do if you had to use a phone would be to... wait for it...


    and go to the pay phone.

    Conclusion: If you want to use your cell phone then STEP OUTSIDE of the room, please.
  • edited February 2007
    i dont see how ppl can even talk in class...are they messed in the head or something? I mean come on, 200 ppl are listening and only u and ur friend are talking.... you have to feel a bad about it...

    But i usually sleep in it really wont matter lol...
  • edited February 2007
    DUDE I totally know what you mean about those people talkin and playing with their cell phones its so immature I don't get what the point of comin to class is. Back in first year it happened a lot more but not so much in the upper division classes but another thing I don't get is when people sit on their laptops playing on facebook or youtube while theirs a lecture going on :S whats the point of coming!
  • edited February 2007
    Magnificent_Bastard said:
    I know a lot of people use it at the library, but I see it everywhere, like the mall and whatnot. Personally, it's more of just the principle of it all. It's the same reason we don't park in handicapped parking spots, or have the bus driver lower the bus and extend the ramp so that we can get on with more ease. These things were designed for people who honest to god cannot function without them, and I find it completely disrespectful for a perfectly functioning human being to take advantage of it as if it were a necessity.

    Oh, and for the second thing....maybe I'll just keep coughing on them for a few minutes. Then pick up the phone and pretend to call my doctor and say "Doc...I think my SARS is acting up again"
    haha yes SARS would work
    But I dont agree with your analogy with the handicapped parking spot and the bus lowering the ramp. Well firstly the ramp doesnt even get used by non handicapped, so thats out. But handicapped parking vs automatic door is different. Parking in the handicap spot, you occupy the spot that is going to be used by someone more needy than you. Using the automatic door, in and out, done.
    What I'm trying to say is, the automatic door, however lazy, isnt nearly as sinister as the parking spot analogy. Plus, with our society placing heavy emphasis on luxuries and simplicities that we dont necessarily need (see cellphones with 1232981032801 different functions) you should pick your battles ;)
  • edited February 2007
    Magnificent_Bastard said:
    The ironic part of my story is that it was a class on Cognition, and the prof was talking about attention, and how we have a limited resource to divide amongst tasks. And as I'm trying to listen, these jerks were taking up all my resources!
    lol.. aww.. poor MB... *patpat* =)
    next time just have the prof go fry their brains..
  • edited February 2007
    playing games on laptop or youtube is long as it doesnt bug ppl...(maybe they are listening actually, u can never know)

    but if u bug ppl...then its not right
  • edited February 2007
    speaking of laptops, it is kinda distracting seeing some tv show or a korean drama on their laptop, some of those girls are kinda hot ya know :(
  • edited February 2007
    crim_bum said:
    This is in reply to rant #1. I completely disagree with you on wasting resources that the disabled need. First, the push button is there to be used, and if only disabled persons used it, it would be used all of twice a year. Second, if you want to talk about wasting resources, maybe you should focus on your own habits hmmm? How many times have you wasted paper, wasted food, not recycled, left the lights on, etc? I think there are more important ways we can be more resourceful than just refraining from using the handicap button.
    How would you be "wasting" something in this case? It's practically intangible and infinite. As if the disabled are prevented from using the button when the able-bodied push it.
  • edited February 2007
    Still on rant #1, I just personally find something wrong with a guy, holding absolutely nothing, pushes the button to open a door, and stands for about 5 seconds to wait for the door to open before walking in. It's even worse when it's a push door. You don't have to pull back, you just have to extend your arm, palm faced out, and keep walking.

    As for the talking thing, we should all take an active role in letting people know when they need to shut, what I like to call, "the fuck up". Like I said before, I'm not hesitating anymore, it's gotten on my last nerve, and I know many people will appreciate the effort.

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