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Cat Adoption - Suggestions?

edited February 2007 in General
We just got the go-ahead from our apartment strata council to get a second cat! Our cat is a feisty 4 year old spayed female and could reeeeally use a cat friend to entertain her when we are out during the days. I also love cats and would really like to have a second one! We are looking at getting either a kitten or a young male.

My question for you guys is where can I go to adopt a cat? I know if the SPCA and I've seen some other shelters around. Has anyone had any good or bad experiences with these places? As any cat I'm bringing into our home could also make my current cat sick or miserable, I want to be really sure before I choose one.

I've noticed that I can also pick up a kitten pretty easy from the newspaper... is this a really bad idea? My current cat was from a pet store, and we will never do that again. She was sick for some time and still acts a bit funny!

Thoughts, feelings?

PS: If you're going to say I should get a dog instead, I wish I could! They are banned from our building, though.

Oh and this is Tak, my current cat:


  • edited January 2007
    I like cats better than dogs, they just seem to be a lot cleaner and cleverer (is that a word?) The SPCA is a good place to get a kitten

    What kind/colour are you going to get?
  • edited January 2007
    Not to sure about kind or colour just yet! I'm most worried about finding one that's the right age so our current cat will accept him without too much of a hassle. Our apartment isn't big enough for a couple of warring felines!

    I would like one with short hair, though, since Tak has long fluffy hair that is in EVERYTHING! My favourite cat as a child was a Japanese Bobtail, so a Manx would be great to get. I like black cats too.... but they are hard to photograph!
  • edited January 2007
    I like those really big cats with a lot of hair. I forgot what they're called, they grow up to like 20 pounds and has hair on the tip of the ears and a fluffy raccoon like tail. Those are cool.
  • edited January 2007
    put some cat food outside and trap a new one!
  • edited January 2007
    Maine Coon! Those are really neat cats. My aunt had one and it would take baths with her... the thing loooved water!

    Tempting to trap a new one! My friends had a little kitten living outside their house for a while and it was so sweet... It would be funny to catch one of my neighbour's cats! My building has a stupid rule: only 5 cats in the building. Yeah, brilliant whoever thought that up.
  • edited January 2007
    We met a nice cat tonight through the Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue. They use foster homes to place kittens until they can find someone to adopt them. The one we met was 7 months old and super shy. He was really cute, though! And my boyfriend fell head-over-heels in love with him... oh boy... haha

    I want to see a few more before we choose, but it's a neat organization!
  • edited February 2007
    We found one! I posted an ad on and someone responded that they had a little kitten we could take for free!

    He has a slightly foggy eye due to an infection when he was really little, but he's otherwise absolutely wonderful! Very cuddly and purrs like crazy. And completely happy to ride quietly on my lap on the drive home, even though he's only 12 weeks old!

    He'll live in the bathroom for the first week or so, so our cat can get used to his smell and hopefully won't want to kick his ass when we let him out. :wink:



    We named him Pixel. :teeth:
  • edited February 2007
    looks adorable : )
  • edited February 2007
    He's such a nice cat! He's been an angel for the past 3 days since we've had him.

    Here's a video of Simon (my boyfriend) playing with him.
  • edited February 2007
    giggle.gif Had a vet visit today. Evidently, "he" is... a she. Whooops!
  • edited February 2007

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