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Do you ever feel like...

edited February 2007 in General
You know more about life than your parents? They get me so stressed when I go home on the weekends, I don't even like it at home anymore they frustrate me so much :angry: They tell me what to do like they know everything, but really they know nothing about how to live life arhhh


  • edited January 2007
    I think this causes a lot of issues for most people! The parents think that because they are older and have had more experiences that they are able to predict or dictate how the child should live. And the kid thinks that their parents are not only from a different generation, but completely unable to know what life is like for them.

    They are your PARENTS! They care about you and want you to be happy and healthy and successful. They aren't trying to ruin or run your life, but they want only good things for you. I'll bet their intentions are entirely pure! But you are old enough to make decisions for yourself and they have to let you do that.

    The best thing to do would be to ask them occasionally for advice. This will give them an outlet that you can handle to give you some help, as well as you can benefit from their specific advice instead of their whole life-plan for you which can be overwhelming. And make sure you keep them up on what is going on in your life... but not everything!

    Don't let it put a rift between you, just try to create some boundaries so that everyone can feel satisfied.
  • edited January 2007
    i have the same problem at home; worst thing is i actually gave my parents my schedual this semester and everytime im late comming home they give me a big speal. I geuss parents are
  • edited January 2007
    my mom is pretty chill now, we dont have these arguments
    never really did, kinda glad about that : )
  • edited January 2007
    mine are great
  • edited February 2007
    my parents are old school....all work and no play
  • edited February 2007
    I'm on the opposite extreme. I can be gone for days and my mom won't notice. And I'm referring to back in the days when I was younger. It can work both ways. There are parents who really care and than there are ones who will just let things slide.
  • edited February 2007
    My mom's like yours, noname!

    I don't even think she knows what school I go to, despite the fact that I've told her SO many times. She doesn't want to smother me, but there is such a thing as just not giving a crap either...
  • edited February 2007
    my parents are pretty lenient towards me. i can stay out as late as i want (and take the car, as long as i communicate with them and my cell on...)

    i used to get frustrated with my parents when they wouldnt see my side of an argument. but now i just let it go. why let it bother you so much?

    i used to take for granted what my parents would tell me, but now i take their advice (and lectures) in stride. like malakaii said, they give you a hard time because they don't want anything bad to happen to you, and they only want the best for you.

    i've had friends who had parents that didn't care at all about what they did. and they didn't turn out very well........

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