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What happens to empty ink toners?

edited January 2007 in General
What happens to the old empty ink toners that DON'T get refilled? Do they ship them somewhere to get specially recycled? If so, does anyone know where?


  • edited January 2007
    Places like HP encourage companies to send back their empty cartridges for printers and fax machines. I'd assume that they refill those ones and send them out.

    Otherwise: landfills.
  • edited January 2007
    one curious question, those ink cartriges (sp) that say "one time use; do not refill," can you actually poke a hole and refill them?
  • edited January 2007
    i think essentially thats what some places do, maybe they just write it to encourage u to buy new ones

    i remember takin back some epson cartridges to some ink shop, and the dude just used a needle and filled it up and put a dab of glue on top from a gluegun to shut the hole

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