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Rejecting someone

edited January 2007 in General
This guy I met at a party got the wrong idea and thinks we have some chemistry between us. I decided to give it a try and hung out with him once, but he's not my type. I don't know why he keeps asking me out, cuz I've turned him down twice already, and you'd think that he'd get the idea and move on...

He's a nice guy, I'd wanna stay friends with him, but is there any way I can get the message across (that I don't like him back) without being mean about it? I don't want to think up another excuse the next time he asks me!


  • edited January 2007
    LOL well its sad but you're probably the closest he's gotten to hooking up with a good looking chick and so he "thinks" there is chemistry. Just stop making excuses and be straight up with him...he'll probably hurt for a bit but in the long run its better than leaving him with a big question of "what if i had done things differently..." I dunno about the friends thing though someone else might have to cover that
  • edited January 2007
    just tell him straight up, regardless what happens its not mean that u told him
    better this than him gettin the wrong idea and keep building on it
  • edited January 2007
    lol.. been in the same situation before flora.. i do feel for you.. but some things just gotta happen in the generic.. rejection is gonna hurt.. no doubt about it.. but nursing that wound isn't your responsibility.. =) so don't feel bad about telling him honestly that things aren't going to work out... your responsibility lies with being frank of what you think..

    and just a word from experience.. make sure you EXPLICITLY say what you mean.. some guys are just too thick headed to understand that no means no... =.=" i still have one guy who's still hanging on after i made it clear that i'm NOT interested!! yet he thinks he still got a chance by waiting it out... =.=" boys... *siGh..
  • edited January 2007
    but.. i really thought.. we had some chemistry.. i mean that one date was so special.

    no jokes, anyways what kind of guy is he, is he like a good boy kinda thing then you gotta let him off lightly, if he's just out there lookin' for girls all the time, smack him hard with it.
  • edited January 2007
    Hey, while on this topic, if you ever meet somebody at a club or anywhere for that matter, and they ask for your number (as if they're picking you up), give them this number: 604-696-1033

    It's the rejection hot-line. It lets them know about your intentions. Give it a call sometime, it's pretty funny. Oh, and when it picks up, the guy says "Hello?", and sounds like a real person, but it's not, so don't hang up =P
  • edited January 2007
    ive heard of that (not that i got it b4 lol) but kinda lame

    tho i spose it does the job in gettin rid of those annoying guys eh

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