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rats in SFU? o.O"

edited January 2007 in General
so today i went to my usual class in the lecture room 9201.. and things were going fine until a rat appeared on the right side of the room!! of course the fellow students sitting on the right side saw it first as it scrambled here and there.. some girls screamed and people began to look under their seats.. picking up their coats and belongings and put them on the nearby chair.. and this happened a couple of times.. causing some minor disturbance in the room.. so what the prof decided to do was open the side doors in front of the lecture hall and provide an "escape route" for the rat...

personally i think that was pretty irresponsible of him.. lol.. but he did promise to report this to the office so we'll see what happens.. nevertheless the mere thought of the fact there are rats in the university really spooks me.. even though it was just one rat.. there is a possibility that there are others lurking around.. and i'm sure people have heard of the reproductive rates of rats.. =\ and personally.. i would've never even imagined that there would be rats running around in SFU..

so just out curiousity.. have any of you seen rats up on SFU before?


  • edited January 2007
    Oh jeez! haha I'm really not freaked out by rats/mice/rodents provided they aren't rabid, but I can see a lot of people being upset about that! I haven't seen any yet or heard any reports of them. To be honest, I'm not surprised. Rats and mice live outside in the grass and stuff, and when they tear up the grass to make buildings, the rodents decide that it's a heck of a lot nicer to hang out in a lecture hall where it's warm and there's an abundance of food... Can't really blame the little guys!

    I used to work at SilverCity in Richmond and we had a TON of mice in there. Seriously, though. There is popcorn EVERYWHERE in a movie theatre. If I was a mouse I would definitely live there.

    I felt bad for the little things, though. Cuz they used glue traps which are the WORST WAY to die. The majority of your body stuck to the ground, sitting in your own pee for a few days until you starve... Sign me up for that. :\ Anyway, I accidentally watched one of the guys kill one with a broom one time and that was not a joyous experience!

    Anyhoo... I hope they get rid of them or people are going to freak out!
  • edited January 2007
    No, but that frickin NASTY!
  • edited January 2007
    @malakaiii: yeah i agree with you.. the poor thing was probably freaked out by the screams and people shuffling.. but yikes.. when someone behind me mentioned rabies.. that really freaked me out!! and the fact it was a midsize rat (abt 6-7 inches) and black too made it even worse... ><"

    @flora: yeah.. definitely nasty..
  • edited January 2007

    I have them at home, want rats? :teeth:
  • edited January 2007
    GROSS... omg, I've never seen any at SFU...
    but I am TERRIFIED of rodents.............................
    Rodents are one of my biggest fears... ><
  • Pro
    edited January 2007
    you guys should watch out.. i've seen a number that hide under the stairs and the steps of the stairway coming up from the bus stop

    but in a lecture hall tho.. that is something new.
  • edited January 2007
    Yep, I've seen them in C9001. I literally almost jumped out of my seat.
  • edited January 2007
    Pro said:
    you guys should watch out.. i've seen a number that hide under the stairs and the steps of the stairway coming up from the bus stop

    but in a lecture hall tho.. that is something new.
    please tell me this isn't true.. o.O" at the stairs leading to the bus stop too?
  • edited January 2007
    this kind reminds me of a story in high school where there was a rat in the hallway, someone put an upside down garbage can over it cause all the girls were freaking out, then the garbage can started to move

    ok just had to share

    but ya, havnt seen rats yet, though it doesnt surprise me the school has em
  • edited January 2007
    i know i see them by the library all the outside
  • Pro
    edited January 2007
    yeah i saw those too and they hide under those "benches" and the pots of trees there
  • edited January 2007
    eekz.. okay.. enough details..
    i don't want to know where else they lurk..=\
  • edited January 2007
    they always lurk under siuying's seat~!
  • edited January 2007
    i saw one run down the stairs in c9001 too
  • edited January 2007
    Awesome! I love rats!
  • edited January 2007
    Well, duh. There's rats everywhere, literally. Anywhere where there are humans, there's rats. They just usually do a good job of not being spotted but it's hardly surprising that in a complex the size of SFU there's wouldn't be a few of the little guys running about.
  • edited January 2007
    imelting said:
    they always lurk under siuying's seat~!
    thanks giving me the heads up imelting.. =P
  • edited January 2007
    Messiah said:
    Anywhere where there are humans, there's rats.
    hmm.. i don't quite agree with that.. surely the hospitals.. offices.. houses and apartments don't have rats running around inside.. if they're outside then it's another story.. but having rats inside a university is, in my opinion, unacceptable.. i just don't want anyone bitten by one when the problem could be addressed earlier..
  • edited January 2007
    I wish I'd get bitten by a rat. The lawsuit would help pay my tuition. :wink:
  • edited January 2007
    Malakaiii said:
    I wish I'd get bitten by a rat. The lawsuit would help pay my tuition. :wink:
    o.O ...even at the risk of getting diseases eg: rabies?
  • edited January 2007
    I wonder what would kill me first... rabies or a heart-attack due to the size of my student loan? :wink:

    (I kid, I kid!)
  • edited January 2007
    hmm.. i don't quite agree with that.. surely the hospitals.. offices.. houses and apartments don't have rats running around inside.. if they're outside then it's another story.. but having rats inside a university is, in my opinion, unacceptable.. i just don't want anyone bitten by one when the problem could be addressed earlier..
    There's rats in hospitals, offices and apartments as well, yes. You have to realize rats are incredibley adapt at sruviving just about anywhere. They're indestructible in so many ways. They get into anything and everything, it's just something we have to live with. We provide them with everything they need to survive.

    Mind you, I'm not thrilled about this, and I think they should at least attempt to prevent them from running around class rooms but I all the same I'm realistic about rats: they're everywhere. Look into it if you don't believe me. There was a pretty good book written all about rats and human co-exsistence a while back, but the name escapes me.
  • edited January 2007
    and plus, rats are quite proficient at reproducing :wink:

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