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I'm going to Microsoft!

edited January 2007 in General
Ok, I think I'm going to explode...

I'm going to Redmond, WA this summer to do an internship at Microsoft! I got the offer not long ago after going down for an interview before winter break. I've pinched myself more than a few times now... I still think it's some cruel dream...

...phew...much better :smile:...

They're pretty nice to their internship candidates...they flew me down to Seattle (yes, flew...even though its only a short drive away), put me up in a hotel, reimbursed me for meals, taxis, etc. It was practically a mini-vacation...except with the 9hrs of intensive interviews :smile:

Some tips for any CompSci students here thinking of an internship (at MS or anywhere else) sometime. If you know someone who can get you a job in the industry (even if it's just as a tester or something else that doesn't seem relevant) and get some contacts, that helps a lot.

Once you get to the interviews, its all up to you, they don't care about GPA so sell yourself! I had to do a lot of white-board coding but don't be intimidated by that, they don't expect you to know the answer immediately and they'll answer most questions you have. It's more important that you clearly talk your way through the solution, even if you need help. Problem solving is a more important skill than memorizing the complete Java language specification :smile:. But most of all, be confident, I was so sure I botched most of my coding questions but I ended up with the job!

Also, get noticed! If the company you want to work for is coming to the campus for an info session, GO TO IT! Half the reason I got my first interview with Microsoft is that I went to the info session and asked questions. It really helps if you do some research to come up with some good questions...find out what kind of work the company does and ask them about it (even if you know the answer :smile:).

Have fun! If you are truly passionate about this stuff, then treat your interview like a discussion with a colleague. Plus, they probably know how nervous you are so don't panic!

Good luck! Feel free to share any other interview/job hunting tips here.


  • edited January 2007
    my frd got similar deal to ya, hes starting in late jan for a 3 month term i think
    computer programmer/engineer type at ubc

    good luck to ya :)
  • edited January 2007
    ooooOOOOoooo snap!

  • Pro
    edited January 2007
    hookup a copy of vista this way!
  • edited January 2007
    And this way as well please!
  • edited January 2007
    congrats and hook a brother up with some vista :)
  • edited January 2007
    Congrats. It must be nice not to have to work in Vancouver al the time.
  • edited January 2007
    Sorry guys, I'm just an intern, I can't hook people up with free stuff....yet :smile:. Thanks for the congrats everyone!
  • edited January 2007
  • edited January 2007
    That's awesome! It should be a really good opportunity. And Microsoft looks AWESOME on a resume, so even if they don't keep you on and least you will have a great reference!

    Good for you for going for it. It can be overwhelming to try to get into a huge company like that. And thanks for sharing some tips for the rest of us.
  • edited January 2007
    Congratulations! wow, microsoft, that's huge!!!

    thanks for the tips. i hope one day i'll snag a nice place to work like that...

    oh and question, so how's the living situation then? do they take care of it as well?
  • edited January 2007
    They give you 2 options for housing during the internship:
    1. Subsidized Apartment (low monthly rate) with 0, 1 or 2 roommates (more expensive if you have fewer roommates, and the roommates are fellow interns)
    2. They will give you money towards finding your own apartment.

    Option 1 is what I recommend, the cost is low (well within your salary while working there) and you get to make some new friends.

    They'll also give you a rental car for a low monthly rate (if you are old enough, most rental agencies require 25yrs+), or give you money for a bike, or you can bring your own car.

    Basically, once you're given an offer, they take care of you (and you'll probably end up with plenty of money to put in the bank)

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