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Should I take Bus 254 if I did poorly in Bus 251?

Hey all, 

I took Bus 251 a few semesters ago, it didn't go too well - I got a C. 
I was considering reviewing the textbook on my own time instead of retaking the class at SFU (and using one of my retakes). 

What would you recommend? 


  • Okay.

    First of all, are you a BUSINESS major?
    Secondly, if you are, so you want to major in accounting?

    Honestly, I wouldn’t retake bus 251. You got a C but IMO that’s pretty standard for bus 251. Some of the smartest people I know in beedie did pretty bad in that class because it’s definately not an easy course. I would recommend going over the course material and figuring out where you went wrong/struggled and refocus on those parts. Also, consider getting a tutor.

    If you are a business major and need to take bus 254, then you’re going to have to take it eventually. If you took bus 251 for the hell of it and aren’t a business major, don’t bother taking bus 254. Only take it if you’re a business major or trying to transfer into beedie. Otherwise, it’s not worth it IMO.
  • OP I took bus 254 and got a B+ but I got a B in bus 251. I found bus 254 easier BUT a lot of people thought otherwise. It’s still a difficult course and I found it difficult lol. It was a lot of work and one of the hardest courses I’ve taken so far. I’m a business major btw and cannot figure out why non business majors would take such a rigorous course lol. Good luck to you :)

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