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High school courses while enrolled in university?

Alright so I was accepted to SFU a while ago and I start my first year in September. I'm in FASS right now and I'm hoping to switch to Faculty of Science but I didn't take Bio 12 or Chem 12 in high school. To do an internal transfer I need to take first year science courses but most need Bio 12 and Chem 12 as prerequisites. If I take these courses online and finish by the end of the summer before classes start, would they fulfill the prerequisite even though I've graduated high school? I know I could take the intro courses at SFU but they would set me behind a semester compared to everyone else and I would much rather just take the courses online. Does anybody know if I can do this? 


  • It is better to ask the acedemic advisor in science faculty. I mean it sounds fine to me but i am not sure about admission.

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