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Doing poorly in my courses this semster, withdrawal under extenuating circumstances

Hi everyone, 

I was wondering if anyone had success in withdrawing under extenuating circumstances due to health issues. My eczema has gotten significantly worse these past 6 months. It has been difficult concentrating in class.

I have written two of my exams that I am positive I've failed. and i have one remaining that I am positive I will screw up on as well.

Has anyone had success getting WE? Also, I am not sure that I would qualify for tuition refund (I am also very concerned about). 



  • edited December 2016
    First off, I'm sorry to hear you struggle with eczema. I have dealt with cystic acne and it was really embarrassing and took a toll on my marks too because I was so uncomfortable and insecure. Luckily I found an endocrinologist that solved my acne issues so I hope you can find someone who can help you out too to make it manageable at least. I still get acne flare ups from the stress of school but it's not cystic acne anymore thankfully. Just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. <3

    I would suggest you talk to an academic advisor. They are the best people to talk to. If your medical condition is highly documented and you can get a doctor's note and all of that, you should be able to get a withdrawal from the courses but the tuition is unlikely to be refunded. I would suggest you talk to an academic advisor ASAP and sort this out as you do have a medical condition and have a good chance of getting WEs from your courses this semester. BUT you might also get a tuition refund too. Because my first year I was living in residence and then got diagnosed with celiac disease (gluten allergy). First year residents at SFU have to eat the dining hall and by the time I found out about my gluten allergy I had already paid for my resident fees ($6000) which were non refundable! However my parents and I talked to the head of the residence and housing and we showed them a doctor's note from my family doctor and told them if they needed anymore documentation my family doctor would give it to them and because it was a medical condition they gave me back the $6000 and I didn't have to live on residence (I couldn't because of my allergy). So you never know, I would ask about getting a tuition refund because I thought my medical reason wasn't legitimate to get a refund but I did.
  • I really appreciate your response leenami. Sometimes I forget that I'm not the only one that suffers from eczema and other skin issues. 

    I should be able to get a doctor's note for the eczema. In your experience did they not have your doctor fill out the "HEALTH CARE PROVIDER
    STATEMENT FOR WITHDRAWAL" form on the sfu website. 

    Thanks again.
  • edited December 2016
    Don't mention it I'm glad to help! I know how frustrating these skin conditions can be.

    For my situation I did not have to fill out that form since I didn't withdraw from my courses but I wanted a refund for my residence and housing. Therefore, you should definitely go to an advisor and make sure you know which documentation you need. I would assume you need to fill it out since it's on the website but an advisor is the best person to ask.

    My brother who goes to BCIT had tried committing suicide this semester due to his depression, so he was in the hospital for a couple of days. He goes to our family doctor every three months and has documentation he's on antidepressants and went to the hospital for being suicidal so him and his doctor filled out a forum to get his exams extended to January because he couldn't write them. But I do know he talked to an advisor to get the right documentation. But universities are pretty understanding about medical conditions, so I'm sure you can get a WE.

    Hope it goes well and good luck! I hope you feel better too. :)

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