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EDUC 465 - Spring curriculum

edited October 2016 in General
Hello! For those who have taken EDUC 465 online in the spring 2016 or 2015, could you please check out your modules on Canvas and let me know if your first three assignments were the same as the following:

Week 1: Journal
How would you define Children's Literature?

Week 2-3: Discussion
Hillaire Belloc's Cautionary Tales for Children (Links to an external site.) was published in 1907 and illustrated by Basil Blackwood. A newly released edition in 2002 features images by Edward Gorey. Along with Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear, Belloc used light verse and the absurd to critique the didactic impulse of children's literature.
    • Did any of these tales challenge your ideas about what children's literature should be? If so, which ones. If not, why?
    • Read and discuss the introduction to the Tales. How does this influence your reading of the tales?
    • Discuss the morals for Cautionary Tales and I Want My Hat Back. What do the morals "teach"?

Week 4: Journal
Write a two-page response (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font), answering the following questions* (Use the Folk and Fairy Tales text and Little Red Hood to answer):
    • Examine the illustrations for the tale "Little Red Riding Hood" (Fig 1-4 in the "Illustrations" chapter in Folk and Fairy Tales). What insights do they provide? To what extent does the character of the (a) girl and (b) wolf differ from version to version?
    • Examine the nature of the grandmother's role in the different textual versions.
    • There is a point in most versions of this story where the girl becomes aware that something is amiss. Identify this moment in the different versions, examining the girls' various responses.

I actually enrolled in EDUC 465 in the fall, but dropped out when I realized the required textbooks would be too hard to access. I am going to take the course in the spring and plan to work on the assignments ahead of time (around Nov-Dec), whenever I can get my hands on the textbooks. So, I am wondering if the assignments change at all from semester to semester (excluding the midterms/finals). 

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • Not answering the question b/c I haven't taken 465, but I planned to too! Change of plans in my course career so I didn't need this as an elective anymore. Is the prof Beth? I took another EDUC class with her and she's awesome.

    OH, just googled and realized it's an online offering, so I don't really know anything about that. But her in-person classes are super engaging (not good if you're not into discussions though) and she's a chill prof. :)

    Those assignments don't look too hard though? I've heard EDUC 465 is an easy course and it looks like it. Beth's assignments weren't hard and she's really transparent about what she looks for.

    Good luck to you though!

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