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Late enrollment

How do you enroll in classes after the enrollment dates are passed?


  • edited September 2016
    You must enrol through your department advisor; in which she/he may require you to seek permission from the instructor and/or department chair.

    In my experience, I have done this for courses where there were still seats available after the enrollment date passed, and I have been in attendance for the classes even though I was not in the course yet.
  • How could you be in class when you weren't enrolled? If it's in a big lecture room where they don't take the attendance I think it's possible but.. Did you go to small classes like labs and tutorials as well?
  • edited September 2016
    It was actually a seminar, so a very small class. I honestly just showed up, explained my situation and asked the professor if I could sit in. 

    Although, in all of my experiences in doing this, I'm quite sure I had taken a course previously with the professors already and had a good idea of their receptiveness.

    I've never done it with labs or tutorials, and don't think I would try, both because of limited seating as well as not wanting to interfere with any group work.
  • I see. But did the enrollment process take long?
  • No, but I had to keep on top of my game and made sure the advisor and instructor involved were on top of things as well, because there is nonetheless still a deadline to enrol in a course this way. The instructor I spoke to was not responding to e-mails and I almost missed the deadline to attain permission from the instructor to enrol in the course. It all worked out in the end though.

    The deadline is on the schedule of deadlines for the fall semester.

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