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Meeting girls at SFU.

Anyone meeting any ladies while up at SFU? I run into many attractive women, but I feel sleazy trying to randomly talk to them in the library or stopping them in the hallway.

How are you all meeting women?

Ladies, this question goes for you too. Do you like being approached by guys, or would you rather just be left alone?


  • Pretend that you run a business. People send you their resumes and sometimes they're crappy, but sometimes they're really good. You hope that the good applications are interested in you and the crappy applications can just get annoying sometimes.

    The fact that you asked this question makes you look like a crappy applicant. Next.

  • Wow, you're a douche.
  • Maybe practice just trying to be friends with them, it gets rid of the sleazy factor because you're just treating them like normal people. Do this and you'll probably find it works itself out on its own.
  • "Wow, you're a douche."


  • I'm with jianming - being pleasant is a good way to go, without an ulterior motive.  Vancouver is standoffish city, though, where people don't even make eye contact.  Also, what about something like DateMySchool?
  • Its okay to approach and if a girl is attracted to you, she would give you some attention if not she will tell you she's busy etc etc

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