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Is EDUC Minor International and Global Education worth the money and effort?

Hi, I'm an English major thinking of going to PDP after graduation. 
Since the teaching field is tough with high unemployment level, people have been telling me that
it is good to have specific minors that will specialize my field more. 
I'm doing Learning Disabilities minor, but have been considering about Int/Global Minor also after taking
EDUC 240. Cultural engagement is my passion also. 
However, being a student with limitation on $ to be used, I want to make sure whether if this minor is worth the effort and $
(i.e. does this make me more career-focused?) rather than just taking it because of interest. 
This requires an international experience, which is the reason why I'm more careful with choosing this minor as 
international experience will cause me to use more money. 

If anyone has some ideas or if anyone has taken this minor, I would really appreciate your comments! 


  • You will use more money in the beginning, but you will gain money from having credentials to teach abroad which there are huge opportunities in all sorts of places for N. American teachers.

    Think of it as an investment. It's literally "investing in your education". If you have interest then maybe it's worth it! Don't like $ impede you, just budget without taking on too much debt. Think short, mid and long-term.

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