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COGS 100 - is it easy?? (B-HUM)

I might be taking COGS 100 with Jeremy Turner next semester, is it relatively easy? I need a GPA booster! Please let me know.


  • I've heard it is not a GPA booster per se but a very interesting and thought-provoking course. People tend to do better if interest is high though.
  • @TalkUBC what is B-HUM course that is a GPA booster?
  • @TalkUBC That course isn't available next semester, any other suggestions?
  • Honestly they're all easy except for religious studies lol. Try the b-hum about board games, the classic mythology in Humanities, or PHIL120W with Simon Pollon is pretty easy. Not sure the course codes for the rest of them. I don't know your interest level or work habits so not sure specifically what would exactly work.

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