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crim 230 distance ed or in person

edited November 2015 in General
would you recommend crim 230 distance ed or in person, and why?


  • In person with Simon Verdun Jones because he is a super good and entertaining lecturer. Very enthusiastic.
  • I took it online, I did sit in on one of his lectures but didn't return due to the fact that going out to Burnaby was too much of a waste of time (2 hour commute). I don't tend to participate in class unless I'm really comfortable which means I lose out on participation marks. If you're like me, I would take it online. 
  • I found online pretty easy. I got an A and wasn't exactly expecting to. The two short papers (15% each) were easy if you follow exactly what's outlined in the textbook. The take-home mid-term is two more of the same style papers (15% each for 30% together) and then a final exam worth 40%
  • It depends your learning style, I prefer lectures because I am lazy and don't read. But in general I don't like online courses because I think they're kind of a rip-off, like I could being learning the stuff for free. I'd rather have a lecturer talk to me in person :P

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