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How Was 2006 For You?

edited January 2007 in General
So, once again, we’re entering a new year and I thought it’d be interesting to hear how 2006 was for you!

Here are the questions from a thread on another site...

1. What was the most memorable event of 2006 for you personally?

2. What have you done this year that you feel was a real accomplishment?

3. What do you regret most about this year?

4. Did you stick to your new years resolutions? If so, what were they?

5. What was your favourite song of 2006?

6. Which band/ artist did you discover/ fall in love with this year?

7. Who are you most proud of this year and why? (can be a family member/ friend or a famous person!)

8. Did you do anything new or do something for the first time this year?

9. Have you learnt anything new about yourself in 2006?

10. What has your relationship status been like throughthe year? Did you find that "special someone?"

11. What do you want to do in 2007? What, if any, new years resolutions will you be making?

Finally.... sum up you year in a few sentences!


  • edited December 2006
    1. What was the most memorable event of 2006 for you personally?
    Finding a new job which will help me develop my career.

    2. What have you done this year that you feel was a real accomplishment?
    Made more money and slowly paying off my debt.

    3. What do you regret most about this year?
    I got lazy and stopped going to the gym. And taking that course on death and dying for fun. Friggin course gives me morbid thoughts all the time now and wasted my time and money.

    4. Did you stick to your new years resolutions? If so, what were they?
    I don't make any new year resolutions.

    5. What was your favourite song of 2006?
    I was gonna say Jame's Blunt "You're Beautiful" but that's so 2005. I'm sorta getting my years mixed up as I get older. I don't think any outstanding songs came out in 2006.

    6. Which band/ artist did you discover/ fall in love with this year?
    I thought Justin Timberlake's futuresex, love sounds album was great but I didn't quite fall in love with him or his album.

    7. Who are you most proud of this year and why? (can be a family member/ friend or a famous person!) My two closest friends who both found high paying jobs.

    8. Did you do anything new or do something for the first time this year?
    I wake up early now instead of sleeping in if that counts.

    9. Have you learnt anything new about yourself in 2006?
    As I become older, I'm becoming more antisocial. And I don't really enjoy it when people come up to me and make small talk. Some people think I'm snobby but I think I'm just developing the Vancouver attitude.

    10. What has your relationship status been like throughthe year? Did you find that "special someone?"
    I didn't meet that special someone but I met a few girls at school and work. But I never bothered to ask.

    11. What do you want to do in 2007? What, if any, new years resolutions will you be making?
    I would like to enter the CFA program in 2007. I don't really have any new years resolutions though.

    Finally.... sum up you year in a few sentences![/QUOTE]
    It wasn't a great year. I hate seeing each year slip by. I'm just getting older and older and I don't think I'm acheiving a lot. It's worse when people think I'm in my late teens or early 20's when really I'll be hitting my mid 20's by next year. I hate looking young.
  • edited December 2006
    1. What was the most memorable event of 2006 for you personally?
    Starting at SFU after working my ass off at Langara to get there!

    2. What have you done this year that you feel was a real accomplishment?
    I stopped biting my nails and cuticles. I've been doing it for 14 years, and it was seriously wrecking my hands, so this is a HUGE thing for me!

    3. What do you regret most about this year?
    Time spent worrying or stressing out when I could've been with people I love.

    4. Did you stick to your new years resolutions? If so, what were they?
    Didn't make any resolutions.

    5. What was your favourite song of 2006?
    No idea. I don't really listen to the radio.

    6. Which band/ artist did you discover/ fall in love with this year?
    None, really.

    7. Who are you most proud of this year and why? (can be a family member/ friend or a famous person!)
    My friend Matt who is working really hard to get into university and get his dream job. I'm proud to see him so motivated!

    8. Did you do anything new or do something for the first time this year?
    Started seeing a counselor at the SFU clinic. Something I should have done a long time ago... it's really helping me out.

    9. Have you learned anything new about yourself in 2006?
    I've learned that I'm happier if I stop overthinking things and just enjoy myself!

    10. What has your relationship status been like through the year? Did you find that "special someone?"
    Celebrated my 4th anniversary with my boyfriend. We've had a good year as we are learning to balance responsibilities between us, and it's making us a heck of a lot happier! I've also rediscovered how much FUN he is and I'm really enjoying my time with him.

    11. What do you want to do in 2007? What, if any, new years resolutions will you be making?
    I want to re-learn how to swim because I'm going to Thailand in April and I want to be comfortable in the water by then!

    Summary: The big thing for me in 2006 was finding a balance between the facets of my life. I really hope that I can continue to keep that up as it has had great rewards for me and those around me!
  • edited December 2006
    8. Did you do anything new or do something for the first time this year?
    Started seeing a counselor at the SFU clinic. Something I should have done a long time ago... it's really helping me out.

    I didn't know SFU had a counselling service. Do they offer it to students who no longer goes there, what fees do they charge?, and what type of counselling service do they offer.

    I've suffered an abusive childhood but I never ever went to see a counsellor before. I don't really believe in counselling but I would give it a try if it makes me better off.
  • edited December 2006
    SFU Personal Counselling

    I'm not sure if ex-students are allowed go to. It is free for current students, though. It'd be worth calling them up and asking! Before you can see a counsellor you need to go through a screening. Basically it lets them set you up with someone who can best help you.

    The counsellors there are not doctors, however. So if you would like to see someone with a degree, I'm sure they can refer you to a good place.

    I would definitely recommend trying it out, though!
  • edited December 2006
    1. What was the most memorable event of 2006 for you personally?
    Apprehended for homicide and later released due to mistaken identity.

    2. What have you done this year that you feel was a real accomplishment?

    3. What do you regret most about this year?
    Spending copious amounts of money on frivolous things that draw attention to me as nothing more than a spoiled simpleton.

    4. Did you stick to your new years resolutions? If so, what were they?

    5. What was your favourite song of 2006?
    Released before 2006, N/A

    6. Which band/ artist did you discover/ fall in love with this year?

    7. Who are you most proud of this year and why? (can be a family member/ friend or a famous person!)

    8. Did you do anything new or do something for the first time this year?

    9. Have you learnt anything new about yourself in 2006?
    My morals are extremely flexible.

    10. What has your relationship status been like throughthe year? Did you find that "special someone?"

    11. What do you want to do in 2007? What, if any, new years resolutions will you be making?
    Become the first trillionaire.
    I will maintain a strict training regimen. I will quit working a bullshit job and do something that I respect.

    Finally.... sum up you year in a few sentences!
    Probably better than yours, but not as good as I would have liked it to be.
  • edited December 2006
    1. What was the most memorable event of 2006 for you personally?
    Apprehended for homicide and later released due to mistaken identity.
    HAHAHA thats classic
  • edited December 2006
    1. What was the most memorable event of 2006 for you personally?
    Ended relationship with ex and got accepted into SFU.

    2. What have you done this year that you feel was a real accomplishment?
    Applying for SFU and getting accepted

    3. What do you regret most about this year?
    Not registering for UBC.

    4. Did you stick to your new years resolutions? If so, what were they?
    Accomplished. 1. Got into SFU. 2. Lost a huge amount of weight.

    5. What was your favourite song of 2006?
    梁詠琪 - 成長的短髮 (精裝特別版)\02. 給自己的情歌.mp3

    6. Which band/ artist did you discover/ fall in love with this year?
    Jasmine Leung.

    7. Who are you most proud of this year and why? (can be a family member/ friend or a famous person!)
    No one.

    8. Did you do anything new or do something for the first time this year?
    Yes, studied my ass off at Koerner till I was beat.

    9. Have you learnt anything new about yourself in 2006?
    NEver dread on the past and to continue moving on forward because if you were never meant to be with the other person then you were never meant to be.

    10. What has your relationship status been like throughthe year? Did you find that "special someone?"
    Nope. Been single majority of year.

    11. What do you want to do in 2007? What, if any, new years resolutions will you be making?
    Get a 3.0GPA for school and to be more social.

    These all relate to school or soemthing. So boring *yawn*

    Happy New Years Eve everyone.
  • edited December 2006
    1. What was the most memorable event of 2006 for you personally?
    1. I had to go to washroom twice during my provincial exams, because I ate too much the night before.

    2. What have you done this year that you feel was a real accomplishment?

    3. What do you regret most about this year?
    3. Everything

    4. Did you stick to your new years resolutions? If so, what were they?
    4. What is new years resolution?

    5. What was your favourite song of 2006?
    5. Joy to the world, saddam is dead

    6. Which band/ artist did you discover/ fall in love with this year?
    6. I'm not much of a fan of music

    7. Who are you most proud of this year and why? (can be a family member/ friend or a famous person!)
    7. Myself of course

    8. Did you do anything new or do something for the first time this year?
    8. Life is boring

    9. Have you learnt anything new about yourself in 2006?
    9. Absolutely nothing

    10. What has your relationship status been like throughthe year? Did you find that "special someone?"
    10. I'm still single T_T

    11. What do you want to do in 2007? What, if any, new years resolutions will you be making?
    11. Get rich
  • edited January 2007
    1. What was the most memorable event of 2006 for you personally?
    Going down on my road-trip to Vegas

    2. What have you done this year that you feel was a real accomplishment?
    Managed to raise my GPA and get accepted into SFU

    3. What do you regret most about this year?
    Not trying hard for Spring 06 semester

    4. Did you stick to your new years resolutions? If so, what were they?
    I don't think I made any. If so, it was to probably quit smoking (which I have somewhat) and try harder in school. I did bad in spring but good in fall, so I guess I didn't fulfill but didn't ignore my resolutions.

    5. What was your favourite song of 2006?
    James Blunt - You're Beautiful

    6. Which band/ artist did you discover/ fall in love with this year?
    Jay Chou

    7. Who are you most proud of this year and why? (can be a family member/ friend or a famous person!)
    [To be determined]

    8. Did you do anything new or do something for the first time this year?
    I went on a road-trip down the coast to San Diego, then went to Vegas and back.

    9. Have you learnt anything new about yourself in 2006?
    If I try hard, I can accomplish anything.

    10. What has your relationship status been like throughthe year? Did you find that "special someone?"
    Nope, been trying but I am too shy. I have met some nice new friends whom are girls, but not that special someone.

    11. What do you want to do in 2007? What, if any, new years resolutions will you be making?
    Quit smoking, work out more, eat healthier, do much better in school, quit gambling, get a girlfriend, make more money, make more friends, enjoy life, and be a good person in general.

    Finally.... sum up you year in a few sentences![/QUOTE]
    This year has been pretty big for me. I have realized that I am not a little kid anymore and I am a young adult. I now know that I want my degree and I want to succeed in life. I have changed from being a lazy slob to the total opposite. Started to go to the gym, make more friends, try hard in school. So I guess this year has played a pivotal point in my life and it has changed my views.
  • edited January 2007
    1. What was the most memorable event of 2006 for you personally?
    - a kiss during the fireworks in the summer

    2. What have you done this year that you feel was a real accomplishment?
    - making it to the last year of my degree!
    - and writing the MCAT

    3. What do you regret most about this year?
    - being strong

    4. Did you stick to your new years resolutions? If so, what were they?
    - cant remember what they were

    5. What was your favourite song of 2006?
    - Mary J - Be without u

    6. Which band/ artist did you discover/ fall in love with this year?
    - Fell in love wit Justin & Nelly Furtado

    7. Who are you most proud of this year and why? (can be a family member/ friend or a famous person!)
    - my former bf for getting so much accomplished this year and getting so many burdens off his back finally! :smile:

    8. Did you do anything new or do something for the first time this year?
    - went on a pub crawl lol

    9. Have you learnt anything new about yourself in 2006?
    - yea that as long as u stay motivated and determined about something, u can accomplish anything, and that my beliefs play a bigger role in my life than id expected (sortof identifies u)

    10. What has your relationship status been like throughthe year? Did you find that "special someone?"
    - i had that special someone and i let him go

    11. What do you want to do in 2007? What, if any, new years resolutions will you be making?
    - i want to finally graduate, get into med school, and find happiness
    - plus want to get rock hard abs for the summer!

    It was an amazing year.. lotta ups n downs but mostly ups.. learnt a lot about myself this year and grew up a lot.. cant wait to see wat the future holds
  • edited January 2007
    When you find happiness let me know too! Happiness is like chocolate...I thought I found a rock solid hershey bar but it turned out to be a hollow Aero.
  • edited January 2007
    1. What was the most memorable event of 2006 for you personally?
    A kiss during the fireworks show

    2. What have you done this year that you feel was a real accomplishment?
    I got my private pilots licence for free within a 2 month span

    3. What do you regret most about this year?
    No regrets; well maybe not looking for a girl

    4. Did you stick to your new years resolutions? If so, what were they?
    uhhh didnt make any

    5. What was your favourite song of 2006?
    Eminem - Mockingbird

    6. Which band/ artist did you discover/ fall in love with this year?

    7. Who are you most proud of this year and why? (can be a family member/ friend or a famous person!)
    MEEEE!!!! lol killer grade12 transcript, pilots licence, university, and my new car

    8. Did you do anything new or do something for the first time this year?
    Hell yeah!!! learnt how to fly a plane, learnt how to drive standard, and finally overcame all my fears thats right nothing can scare me now!!!

    9. Have you learnt anything new about yourself in 2006?
    I learnt that I can accomplish anything if i put my mind on it

    10. What has your relationship status been like throughthe year? Did you find that "special someone?"
    I've been single the whole year, just trying to figure out what i wanted to do in life before i settle down in a relationship

    11. What do you want to do in 2007? What, if any, new years resolutions will you be making?
    Probably find a girlfriend now, start my commercial pilots licence, find a good paying job, and get into better shape

    Finally.... sum up you year in a few sentences!
    WOw what a ride 2006 was. There were ups and downs but mostly ups. This year has been the pinicle of my life; pilots licence and getting into SFU. Meaning that ive reached that fork in the road which leads me into med school but the other back up road of commercial pilot. I could not of been more proud of myself.

    Heres To 2007!!:beer:

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