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when to declare major

i'm taking the last courses that are required for declaring my major this fall, when should I apply for my program? I'd like to be taking upper div courses in the Spring hopefully


  • As often happens, the answer is "Talk to your academic advisor". On Academic Advising page:

    under Declaring a Major

    "Step 1: Complete the admission requirements for your chosen program. In some cases this may just be a matter of completing a specific set of courses; in others it may include satisfying a certain GPA requirement. Visit the Academic Calendar for specific requirements.

    Step 2: If you are still unsure of the admission requirements for your chosen program, book an appointment with a general Academic Advisor to discuss them.

    Step 3: Once you have completed the admission requirements for your chosen program, print out an advising transcript from the Student Information System (log in at ) and see the departmental advisor(s) for your program (go to the "Declared a major" tab for the contact list) in order to declare your major.

    Once you have declared your major, all further course planning concerns should be directed to your departmental advisor."

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