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Difficulty of Stats 101 final exam

Hey, can anyone attest to the difficulty of the final exam from stats 101? So far the course has been ridiculously easy, but this is worth pretty much all of our grade (70%).

Would it be a waste of time to study rigorously for this final? Is the final much harder than the midterm? Are they similar?


  • The final and midterm were similar when I did it. You should study, but I wouldn't get too worked up about it. Plus being a stats course it is typically curved, so 70% weight isn't as big of a deal since really all that matters is how well you do compared to everyone else.
  • The final is basically the midterm times two, if you didn't do well on the MT and haven't grasped what you didn't before, don't expect to do well on the final.

    Just study your ass off no matter what. Not that this matters anymore because i just realized the date...and school is over... but I'm too lazy to delete this so ya *post*

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