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Will this tank my GPA?

edited May 2015 in General
So I'm planning my classes for Fall 2015 and its looking like I'm going to have to take Chem 122, 126, and 281 at the same time. 
These courses are listed as corequesites but I don't really know any other people who have taken them together.
I was just wondering if this as hard as people make it out to be? My first year GPA was pretty high and I'm hoping to keep it high.


  • Hi,

    I think you'll be fine. Neither chem 122 nor 126 are really time-consuming, and their content isn't needed for 281.
  • Just do lots of practice questions and you're gold
  • 281 is by far the hardest course and is unrelated to 122 and 126.  you should be okay if you are a really good student.  
  • 281 is a very difficult course. If you are weak in chemistry do not take them together (see what you got in 121).

    Also keep in mind 282/283 is much much harder than 281 which is already somewhat difficult. So plan ahead for next semester as well if you want to take it. 

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