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Help! Declaring major!

edited April 2015 in General
Hello everyone. 
I have a question for declaring major.
I am currently enrolled in Art (economics) and I want to declare major in Communication. 
I got took all the requirement courses for Communication major. 
However, Faculty of Communication required CGPA 2.5 or higher and I got CGPA 2.46.
I took 46 units (done with WQB) in SFU and 40 in other institution. so I don't want to take more courses...
Is there anyway that I can declare major?  Do they round off the CGPA?
Thank you


  • Why do so many Econ people transfer to Communication? My friend from high school did that too cuz ECON was too tough.

    Unfortunately, the SFU system rounds to the hundredth, second decimal. 

    You can perhaps make an appointment with a Communication advisor and he/she may allow you to declare depending on your situation if you've shown that you tried and were diligent where it counted, like the courses that are important. With your high credit situation it may be possible, but you might have to keep boosting that GPA if not.
  • I switched from econ to computing science. Mostly because econ was boring af, and I could never get the econ courses I wanted.

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